Page:On the economy of machinery and manufactures - Babbage - 1846.djvu/439

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Manufacturers' employment, report of committee of the House of Commons on, 3.
Masters and workmen, combinations of, 353, c. 30; combinations of masters against the public, 376, c. 31.
Materials, employment of those of little value, 9 (see also Additions), economy of those employed, 77, c.9; prices of the principal used in mines at Cornwall, 202; raw, 210; value, when manufactured, of one pound's worth of raw, 214; waste of in learning, 218.
Matrices, 159.
Medals and coins, 129; machine to produce engraving from, 155.
Memoires de l'Institut, extract from, 162.
Mental labour, division of, 241, c. 20.
Metal, printing from perforated sheets of, 88.
Metallic arsenic, 214.
Metals, casting from, 106; introduction of as currency, 166, c. 14.
Method of observing manufactories, 160, c. 12.
Middle-men, 208, 271.
Military ornaments, 130.
Mines, machinery of, 28, 57; prices of principal materials used in, 202; distribution of labour in, 252; method of remuneration to workmen in, 307.
Mississippi, 52, 278.
Models, in plaster, 110; in wax, in the house of the Horticultural Society, 111; in the Jardin des Plantes, ib.; at Florence, ib.; in Bologna, ib.
Money as a medium of exchange, 166, c. 14; of price as measured by, 201, c. 17.
Moulding, copying by, 112; in china, 114; in glass, 115, 116; in wood, 117; in horn, 118; in tortoiseshell, 119; in pipe-clay, 120; gold and silver, 126.
Mountains, suggestions for measuring the altitude, 31.
Mule-yarn spinning, 410.
Music printing, 86.
Muslin, fibres of, 64.
Nail-heads, 131.
Nail-making, 13, 222.
Needles, 11, 273.
Net, patent, machine for weaving, 265.
New system of manufacturing, 305, c. 26.
Nottingham, table of population in, 3.
Observations on charges for printing,
Observing manufactories, method of, 160, c. 12.
Odessa, earthquake at, 76.
Oil, cajeput, 19
Oil cloth printing, 97.
Operations, registering, 65, c. 8.
Ornamental papers, 127.
Ornaments, military and furniture, 130; gilt paper, 138.
Outlines of a description of any of the mechanical arts ought to contain information on certain points, 160.
Over-manufacturing, 284, c. 14.
Overplus, 387.
Paper, ornamental, 127; gilt, 138; depreciation of, 176; effect of duty on, 260; taxes on, 414.
Papering pins, 234.
Parcels, conveyance of, 192.
Partnerships, limited, 435.
Patent net, machine for weaving, 265.
Patents, 432.
Pedometer, 165.
Pens, steel, 263.
Pentagraph, 147.
Peruvian bark, 461.
Peter the Great, statue of, 56.
Pewter dishes at the court of Bello, 2 (note).
Phials, 189 (note).
Picul of cotton, 255.
Pig iron, materials for smelting, 288.
Pig lead, 214.
Pile-engine, 22.
Pin-making, 228; American machine for, 239.
Pins, wire for, 228; pointing, 230; twisting and cutting heads, 231, heading, 232; tinning, 233; papering, 234; English manufacture, 236; French ditto, 237.
Pipe-clay, moulding in 120.