Page:On the economy of machinery and manufactures - Babbage - 1846.djvu/440

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Pipemaking, 120.
Plaster, casting in, 110.
Plate glass, 199; comparative price of in London, Paris, Berlin, and Petersburgh, 206; silvering of, ib.
Plate-iron, 21.
Plated ware, 190.
Platinum, 166 (note).
Plymouth breakwater, 6.
Pointing pins, 230.
Position of large factories, 277, c. 23.
Post-office letter-boxes, 55.
Power, human, additions to, 5; forces too great for, 56. c. 7.
Power, accumulating, 20, c. 2; regulating, 27, c. 3.
Press-work, 259.
Price, influence of verification on, 181, c. 15; influence of durability on, 197, c. 16; as measured by money, 261, c. 17.
Prices of different articles at Birmingham in 1818—1830, 201; ditto in 1812 and 1832, 202; of principal materials used in mines at Cornwall, 202; of plate glass in London, Paris, and Berlin, 206; of silvering, ib.
Printing, from cavities, 83; copperplate, 84; music, 86; calico from cylinders, 87; from perforated sheets of metal, 88; handkerchiefs, 90; from surface, 91; from blocks, 92; from moveable types, 93; from stereotype, 94; oilcloth, 97; on china, 99; lithographic, 100; register, 104; from copperplates with altered dimensions, 154; this volume, copying through six stages, 159; expense of printing the present volume, 256.
Printing-ink, 78; experiment, ib.; consumption of, ib.
Printing on silver paper, 61.
Profits on a six-shilling book, 380.
Projectors, advice to, 328.
Proper circumstances for the application of machinery, 329, c. 28. Property valued by the standard of currency, 170.
Proportion of agriculturists and non-agriculturists in every 100 persons employed in Bengal, Italy, France, and England, 3.
Public, combination of masters against the 376, c. 31.
Publishers, 380—385.
Punching, 133.
Quantity of materials used for smelting pig-iron, 288.
Quantity of work produced by the stretcher from 1810 to 1832, 409
Quicksilver, 214.
Rack for measuring bobbin net, 360.
Rain, instrument for registering, 7.
Rapids, to remove rocks in, 52; to draw boats up, ib.
Raw materials, 210, c. 18; value, when manufactured, of one pound's worth of, 214.
Readers, 257.
Red-hot cylinders, 64.
Register printing, 104.
Registering operations, 65, c. 8.
Regulating power, 27 c. 3.
Repeating clocks and watches, 74.
Report, House of Commons' committee upon manufacturers' employment, table, 3; on Holyhead roads, 60; on woollen trade, 276; on artisans and machinery, 300; on steam carriages, 337; on frame work knitters, 347, 375; on patents, 432; on export of tools and machinery, 441.
Reprinting old works, 102.
Reviews, 400.
Riband, machines for winding, 35.
Rivers, deepening of, 52.
Rivets, used red hot, 58.
Roasting-jack, 45.
Rogers, Captain, evidence on steam vessels, 60.
Rollers, printing, 78.
Rolling, iron, 144.
Rondelet's experiment on degrees of force, 5.
Rose-engine turning, 149.
Rosettes, 149.
Royal Society, 455.
Rules in particular factories, 355.
Sash-lines, 14.
Scapement movement, 74.
Science, future prospects of manufactures as connected with, 453, c. 35.
Screw-cutting, 153.
Scythes, making, 37.
Seals, glass, 115.