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SALISBURY. SALTONSTALL. 531 Mexico and to Cuba. In 1888 he re-visited Europe and traveled in Spain, Belgium, Holland, and France. Most of the chief cities of Spain were visited in this jour- ney, which extended into Portugal. Mr. Salisbury's travels have been sources of historic gleaning, the results of which have been given to American societies of histor- ical investigation.

STEPHEN SALISBURY Mr. Salisbury was a member of the com- mon council of Worcester in 1863, and its president in 1866 ; president of the Worces- ter County Horticultural Society in 1S82 ; trustee of the Massachusetts school for the feeble-minded from 1870 to '82 ; commis- sioner of Hope Cemetery and secretary of the board from 1869 to '84 ; commissioner of public grounds from 1869 to '84; director of the Worcester Natural History Society from 1867 to '84 ; director of the Music Hall Association and its treasurer for ten years from 1S69, and its president in 1886 ; trustee of the city hospital from 187 1 to '89, and its secretary for seventeen years ; director of the Worcester, Nashua & Roch- ester R. R. Co., and of the Boston, Barre & Gardner R. R. Co. at the time of their absorption by the boston & Maine and the Fitchburg R. K. Co.'s, respectively ; trustee of the Rural Cemetery Corporation in 1S84 ; trustee of Clark University since 1887 ; director of the Worcester National Bank in 1865, and its president since 1S84 ; a member of the board of invest- ment of the Worcester County Institution for Savings in 1877, and its president since 1882 ; director of the State Mutual Life Assurance Company since 1863 ; trustee of Leicester Academy since 1869 ; trustee of the Memorial Hospital since 1879, and its secretary for ten years ; member of the American Antiquarian Society since 1S63 ; a member of the council since 1874, and its president since 1887 ; member of the Sociedad Mexicana de Geografia y Estadis- tica since 1879 ; member of the Conserva- torio Yucateco since 1879, of the Massachu- setts Historical Society since 1880, and of the American Geographical Society since 1887 ; trustee of the Peabody Museum of Archaeology since 1887 ; council of the American Archaeological Society since 1880; commissioner of the sinking funds of the city of Worcester since 1888, and trustee of the Worcester Polytechnic Insti- tute since 1S84. Mr. Salisbury has aided the growth and prosperity of Worcester in various ways, by the erection of buildings for the pur- pose of business and residence, and by generous contributions to public charitable and scientific institutions ; he has given to the city a park of eighteen acres, known as Institute Park. SALTONSTALL, LEVERETT, son of Leverett and Mary Elizabeth (Sanders) Saltonstall, was born in Salem, Essex county, March 16, 1825. Having been prepared for college ma- triculation in the Salem Latin school, he entered Harvard, and was graduated therefrom in the class of 1844. Choosing the profession of law, he con- tinued his legal studies in the law school of Harvard University, and was graduated A. M. and LL. B. in 1847. He was admitted to the Suffolk bar, where he continued in active practice until 1862, when he retired, and devoted himself to agriculture, and the interests of various trusts. He is at present collector of customs, port of Boston, to which office he was appointed by President Cleveland, December 1, 1885. Mr. Saltonstall is a gentleman of liberal culture, and has been repeatedly called to serve in positions of honor and trust — positions demanding much time and con- scientious labor, remunerative chiefly in the consciousness of having performed beneficial work. He was a member of the board of over- seers of Harvard College from 1876 to '88,