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SAI.Tt INSTALL. SANDERSON. and elected again in 1889 for another term. He is a member of the Massachusetts His- torical Society, New England Historic Genealogical Society, and the Bostonian Society. He is a member of the board wife of Richard Saltonstall (1610), son of Sir Richard Saltonstall (1586), and Grace Kaye, wife of Sir Richard, the descent is had from the oldest families in England and Scotland. The first ancestor in this country was Sir Richard, of Huntwick, knight, lord of the manor of Ledsham, near Leeds, England, who began the set- tlement of Watertown in 1630, and was original patentee of Connecticut. His son Richard came to New England in 1630, and settled in Ipswich, 1635. Mr. Salton- stall 's grandfather was Nathaniel Salton- stall, an eminent physician and patriot of Haverhill. Nathaniel's son I, everett (Har- vard, 1802), the father of Mr. Salton- stall, was eminent as an advocate ; speaker of the House of Representatives, president of the state Senate, member of Congress, A. A. S. and S. H. S., LL. ])., Harvard University, and a member of the board of overseers. SANDERSON, GEORGE WEBSTER, son of Ira and Asenath (Hatch) Sanderson, was born in Littleton, Middlesex county, October 6, 1830. LEVERETT SALTONSTALL. of trustees of the Massachusetts Society for Promoting Agriculture, and numerous other societies of kindred nature. He is also president of the Unitarian Club. In 1854 he was appointed on the staff of Gov- ernor Emory Washburn, with the rank of lieutenant-colonel. In 1876 he was com- missioner from Massachusetts to the cen- tennial exposition at Philadelphia. Mr. Saltonstall was married in Salem, October 19, 1854, to Rose S., daughter of John Clarke and Harriet (Rose) Lee. Of this union were six children: Leverett Saltonstall, Jr. (deceased 1863), Richard Middlecott, Rose Lee (Mrs. Dr. George West), Philip Leverett, Mary !•'.. (Mrs. Louis Agassiz Shaw) and Endicott Pea- body Saltonstall. His residence is Chest- nut Hill, Newton. It is given to a very few, if any, to trace an unbroken genealogical line so far back as the family of Mr. Saltonstall. He is in direct descent from Thomas De Salton- stall of the West Riding of Yorkshire, England, who lived in the fourteenth cen- tury. Through Muriel (Sedley) Gurdon, GEORGE W. SANDERSON. He obtained his early education in the public and private schools of his native town. He began business as a farmer in 184S, and was appointed clerk of the 1st district court of northern Middlesex county, June