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Q. Ubi ancilla cenani parat ?

A. Ancilla sub umbra castaneae cenam interdum paraL

Q. Ancilla in villa habitat?^

A. Ancilla in villa habitat.

§ 2. [^Nominalive Plural.)

Scaphae non procul a villa sunt.

Feriae sunt beatae.

Beatac sunt feriae.

Magnae sunt procellae in ora maritima,

Nautae procul ab ora maritima sunt

Nautae in scapha sunt.

Scapha non magna est.

Where are the boats ?

The boats are on the sand.

Sailors Uve not far from the sand of the sea-shore.

I sometimes sail in a boat with a sailor.

Chains are in the boat.

Anchors and chains are on the sea-shore.

§2 contimied. {Geniiive P/nral.) Scaphae nautarum intcrdum magnae sunt. Ancorae scapharum magnarum magnae sunt. Ancorae scapharum non magnarum non magnae sunt.

' Questions inay be asked in conversaiional Latin, as in English, simply by chanf^inL; ihe tone of the voice, and withoul any intermgative ixiriicle ; e.g. • vis pugnare?' yau waiit to figlit? (Plautus, Rudens lOll). This is very common in Plautus and Terence. But it is casy to introduce ihe particle '-ne' to the pupil from the first, if the teacher prefers ; e.g. Habitatne ancilla in villa?