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The boats of the sailors are not far from the door of thc counlry house.

The anchors of the boats are on the sand.

The anchors and ihe chains of the anchors are on the sand.

The inhabitants of country-houses are not sailors.

The courage of the inhabitants of the sea-shore is great.

§ 3. {Ablative Plural)

Scaphae in undis sunt.

Undae sub scaphis sunt

In scaphis sunt nautae.

Procella est: undae non caeruleae sunt.

Nautae in undis non caeruleis navigant.

Nautae in casis albis habitant.

Sailors often sail in boats, I often sail with the sailors.

Not far from the windows of the cottages are the waves of the sea-sliore.

My aunt is often^ in ihe cottages of the farmers. There-is^ a wood not far from the cottages of the farmers.

§ 3 continued. (^Accusative Singular and Plural afler a Pre- position )

Ante villam est arena.

Ante casas nautarum est ora mariiima.

Ora mariiima ])rope villam amitae nieae est.

Prope casas agricolarum est silva.

Post cenam in scapha non uavigo.

Post ferias procul ab ora maritima habito.

^ Scc Rule 2 (Order of Words).

There-is' and 'ihere-are' muit l)e translated simply by ihe verb: say not far f>om the cottagei is a wood.