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§43. {Adjeclives 0/ jrd Declension conti/iued.)

The tribes of Belgic Gaul also were warlike.^ Caesar had slaughtered (§20) a huge number of the brave Nervii, fighting^ against the Romans. The British auxiUaries had been useful to' the Veneti. Accordingly Caesar waged-war against the " arrogant Britons." And he carriedoff a huge number of British slaves and captives.

"The time is short," says my uncle; "it is necessary (§24) to hasten homewards. It* has been pleasaiit to you, as I hope, to see a Briiish ship of-war and to walk to the place where Caesar fought with the Britons." We all^ approved-of (§41) the opinion of my uncle.


' Use ferox, which as the name of a ship in the Channel squadron is trans- lated ' the Furious ' in § 42 of the story. All the names of ships given there can be used as Adjectives, but niust then not be spelled with capital letters.

^" Fighting' is an Adjective describing the Nervii. In what Case must it, then, be?

• ' Useful to' is like ' dear to ' {Preparations § 15),

  • See Ex. §42, note 5 (p. 136).

' Say ' all wc-approvcd.'