Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly vol. 19.djvu/251

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CORRESPONDENCE 239 morning Sister Margaret Robinson gave ten dollars for that object. The churches are small, but are becoming convinced that the ministry should abide in their calling and that it is the privilege of the churches to sustain their spiritual servants, and are fast coming up with the work. The churches of the Association have received, the past year, 14 by baptism, 38 by letter and relation. Total number is 245, number of churches 13, making in all 15 churches nom- inally missionary. Yours sincerely, EZRA FISHER. Received Aug. 30, 1853. Marysville, O. Ter., June the 27, 1853. Rev. Benjamin M. Hill, Cor. Sec. A. B. H. M. Soc., New York. Dear Br. Hill: Herein I send you my report of labor as General Itinerant under the appointment of the Home Mission Society for the first (1st) quarter ending June the 30th, 1853. I have labored thirteen weeks in the quarter. Preached twenty-eight sermons, attended twenty-six (26) prayer meet- ings, eleven covenant meetings (11), visited religiously sixty- two families and other individuals, two common schools, bap- tized two (2) persons, traveled to and from my appointments five hundred and forty- five miles (545) ; ten have been received by letter and one by experience and eight have been hopefully converted. Respectfully submitted, EZRA FISHER, General Itinerant. Marysville, O. Ter., June the 27, 1853. To the Rev. Benjamin M. Hill, Cor. Sec. A. B. H. M. Soc. Dear Br. Hill : Herein I send you my report of labor as exploring and