Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly vol. 19.djvu/252

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240 REVEREND EZRA FISHER collecting agent under the appointment of the Home Mission Society for the first quarter ending June 30th, 1853. I have visited as towns Portland, Oregon City, Marysville and Albany and Shilo, Lebanon, West Union, West Tualatin and Marysville churches. Have travelled to and from my appointments five hundred and forty-five (545) miles. Have labored thirteen (13) weeks. Have collected fifty dollars and twelve and a half cents ($50.12^). Have paid one dollar and twelve and a half cents ($1.12^) for traveling expenses and twenty-five cents for postage (25) $1.37^. Delivered twenty-eight sermons (28). Baptized two (2) persons. Attended a meeting of eleven days (11) with the West Tual- atin Church in which my labors were almost incessant. Respectfully submitted, EZRA FISHER, Exploring Agent. N. B. Received by collection at the Marysville Association $40.12^. Mrs. Margaret Robinson's donation, $10.00. Oregon City, Ore. Ter., Aug. 10th, 1853. Rev. Benjamin M. Hill, Cor. Sec. A. B. H. M. Soc., N. Y. Dear Br. Hill : I have just returned from a seven weeks' tour to our Asso- ciation and thence to Umpqua and Rogue River valleys. I found yours of May 4th and 28th on my return. Rejoice to learn that Br. Post is finally appointed by your Board to the charge of our school, and prayerfully hope nothing but God's special providences will prevent his immediately taking the steamer for Oregon. Yesterday I attended the quarterly examination of our school, found that there had been over forty students during the quarter and that the average attendance was something over thirty. We have employed the same teacher for next quarter, hoping that Br. Post will arrive soon enough to commence the winter term.