Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly vol. 4.djvu/425

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Curry, Governor George L., 238, 368.
Cushing, William, 390.
Cushing, ——, minister to China, 274.
Dall, Captain W. L., appointed lieutenant in navy, 104.
Damon, John F., 365, 371; editor The Northwest, 373.
Daniels, Travers, publisher Port Townsend Register, 372.
Daniel, ——., 377.
Davenport, T. W., An Object Lesson in Paternalism, 33, 244, 247, 248.
Davenport, Miss Orla, 249.
Davis, ——, secretary of war, 157.
Davis, H. W., appointed captain volunteer company, 61.
Davis, A. L., 63.
Davies, Griffith, 378.
Deady, Judge M. P., 352, 353; contributions to Oregon Pioneer Association, 391.
Deakins, William, 280.
Dean, N. C., 229.
Deardorff, J. D., and wife, 26, 27.
Degrett, Phillip, 389.
Dement, William C., 390.
Dempsey, Thomas H., publisher Times, 384.
Dennison, A. P., 99.
Denny, Mrs. O. P., 261.
Dent, Captain F. T., 99.
Depot, Peter, 269.
Derby, George H., 296.
Devlin and Nygant, 140.
Dilley, ——, 231.
Dispatch, The Puget Sound, 377, 379.
Dixon, Hepworth, 327.
Doane, Rev. N., 65.
Documents, 78; Oregon material taken from a file of an Independence, Mo., and Weston, Mo., paper for 1844 and 1845, 270, 395.
Dodge, Hon. A. C., 78.
Douglas House Bill of 1846, 90.
Douglas, Stephen A., candidate for president of United States, 94.
Douglass, ——, 265.
Downing, George S., 244, 247.
Draper, Doctor, 34.
Draper, Mrs. Sarah, 264.
Drew, C. S., Major First Oregon Cavalry, 100.
Dryer, Thomas J., 64, 93, 365; first editor of Oregonian, 370.
Duncan, L. J. C., 229.
Duncan, Alexander, 266.
Dunlap, John A., 75; representative, 76.
Duniway, Mrs., 365.
Dunn, Pat, 229, 232.
Dyar, ——., 234.
Dyer, E. S., publisher Northwest, 373.
Dyson, George, 74.
Eberman, N., 132.
Eccleson, Col. E., 247.
Edison, Thomas A., 39.
Edwards, Edward, 232.
Ely, Lieutenant, 232.
Ematinger, Frank, 390.
Emigration of 1843, experiences of, 177.
Evans Creek, battle of, 233.
Evans, Mr., constructed a ferry on Rogue River, 229.
Evans, General Elwood, 314, 352.
Everett, ——., 43.
Expositor, The Western, 74.
Express Advance, The, 74.
Faber, J. G., 234.
Failing, Josiah, 63.
Fairweather, H. W., 199.
Fessenden, Mr., 102.
Ferguson, Mr., 272.
Ferry, Elisha P., first governor of Washington, 380.
Ferry, James P., published Times, 384.
Field, Justice Stephen J., 351.
Fielding, ——., 234.
Fields, Thomas, 75.
Fillmore, President, 187.
Finance, 126.
Findlay, John, 75.
Finlayson, Mr., and wife, 28.
Finley, R. C., 70, 71, 72, 74.
Fisher, Walter M., 299; sketch of life, 300.
Flavel, Captain George, 32.
Flemming, John, printer Oregon Spectator, 368.
Foard and Stokes Company, 143.
Ford, Mark, 390.
Foster, Phillip, 390.
Fowler, W. W., 232.
Frazer, Thomas, 63.
Fremont, Captain, 11, 78; colonel, 157, 158, 230; general, 239, 245.
Fur and Trading Company, 80.
Fur Company, The American, 274; The Northwest, 130, 137; The Missouri, organized, 8; The Pacific, 8.
Furth, Jacob, 378.
Gale, James N., 366.
Garfield, Selucius, defeated for congress, 380.
Gary, Rev. Mr., 276.
Gatch, Prof. T. M., 249.
Gay, George, 230.
Gazette, The Marine, 31, 138.
Gazette, The, published first dispatch coming by wire to Seattle, 377; first paper in Seattle, 375.
Gervais, Joseph, 243, 244.
Gibbs, Addison C., was governor of Oregon, 108, 214, 217.
Gibbs, A. C., editor Oregon Weekly Times, 368.
Gibbs, ——., 232.
Gibson, George R., 273.
Gilliam, Colonel Cornelius, 243.
Gilmore, S. M., letter from, 284.
Gilpin, Mr., 271.
Glass, Robert, 72.
Gold, discovery of, in California, prices of products in Oregon, 49, 60.
"Gold Beach Guards," 238.
Goldschmidt, Albert, employed by Bancroft, 304.
Goodall, George O., the Upper Calapooia, 70.
Goodall, Captain James P., 233.
Grace Church Parish School started, 23, 27.
Grant, General, 105, 109, 239.
Grant, Frederick J., 378.
Gray, Captain, sent to North Pacific Coast, 5, 9, 131, 205.
Gray, Chesley, 229.
Green, Wm. O., 196.
Greenwood, Mary, 161.
Griffin, Lieutenant Burrell, 233. 416