Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly vol. 4.djvu/426

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Griffin, George Butler, sketch of life, 348.
Gunn, E. T., newspaper man, 380.
Gunn, Affleck &, 372.
Gwin, Senator, plan for slave-holding republic on Pacific Coast, 105, 106.
Hall, Peter D., 259.
Hall, Edwin O., 367.
Hall, Ike M., 381.
Hally, C. F., 280.
Hamilton, S. M., 67.
Hamilton, Louis, reference to, 190.
Hand Book Almanac, 297.
Hanford, Thaddeus, 374, 380.
Hanley, Mrs. John A., 235.
Hanthorn & Company, cannerymen, 141.
Harding, Captain E. J., 100.
Harding, Benjamin F., quartermaster First Oregon Cavalry, 100.
Harding, Senator, 214, 217.
Harding, John R., killed by Indians, 233.
Harger, Mrs. Harriet, 264.
Harker, Charles, 104.
Harris, Captain T. S., 100.
Harris, David, 235.
Harris, Mary, 235.
Harris, ——, 252.
Harris, George W., 378.
Hathaway, Major J. S., 135.
Hawthorne, Doctor, 61.
Hays, Judge Benjamin, 312.
Hazen, Captain, 105.
Helm, George, "Lion of Linn," 73.
Hensill, Mrs. Mary J., 66.
Herald, Puget Sound, 372, 381.
Herald, The Cleveland, 315.
Hewitt, Miss, teacher, 24, 29.
Hewitt, Randall H., 365; publisher Pacific Tribune, 374; published Echo, 381.
High School, The Astoria, 31.
Higgins, David, 366.
Hill, Mrs., 26.
Hill, W. Lair, 365; editor Oregon Weekly Times, 369.
Hill, Homer M., purchased Chronicle, 383.
Himes, Geo. H., 375.
History of the Preparation of the First Code of Oregon, by James K. Kelly, 185.
History of the Early Indian Wars of Oregon, 318.
History Company, The, 333.
Hittell, John S., 299, 331.
Hobson, John, 32.
Hobson, Mr., and family, 132.
Hodgins, ——, 232.
Hogg, Col. T. E., 248.
Holderness, S. M., 390.
Holman, Joseph, Short Biography of, 392.
Holman, George Phelps, first white child born in Marion County, 394.
Holladay, Ben, published The Bulletin, 369.
Home Journal, of New York, 315.
Hood, Gen. J. B., 239.
Hooker, Colonel Joseph, 104; builder of military wagon road, 239.
Hoover, Jacob, 390.
Hopkins, Mrs. Rebeka, 259.
Hopwood, Moses, 229.
Hosford, Rev. C. O., opened first school in Astoria, 21.
Houston, Sam, 151.
Howell, ——., 232.
Hudson Bay Company, possession of the Northwest, 9, 78, 81, 82, 83, 89; and Northwest Fur Company consolidated, ——, ——, 132, 153, 154, 156, 242, 261.
Hughes, W. H., 378.
Hughes and Davies, purchased The Times, 385.
Humason, Judge, 217.
Hume, R. D., and Company, 140.
Hungry Hill, battle of, 236.
Hunt, L. S. J., 383.
Hunter, Col. George, "Reminiscences of an Old Timer," quotation from, 97.
Hunt's Astor party, route of, 10.
Heisler, William, 71.
Husted, General, 390.
Hustler, Captain, 134, 139.
Huston, H. Clay, 267.
Hyde, Aaron J., 65.
Hyde, H. H., 390.
Hyland, Rev. T. H., 23.
Hyland, Mrs. T. H., 23.
Indian Wars of Southern Oregon, an address by William H. Colvig, 227.
Indians: Umpquas, 228; Klamaths, 228; Rogue Rivers, 228; Modoc, 228; Shasta, 228; Mollalas, 241; Cayuses, 241, 255; Klamaths, 242; Warm Spring, 242; Pawnees, 252.
Infantry, The First Oregon, 108.
Informant, The, 74.
Ingalls, Rufus, 105.
Ingalls, David, 133, 136.
Ingraham, E. S., 378.
Intelligencer, The Weekly, 377.
Iowa Gazette, 78.
Iowa Code, 188.
Ireland, D. C., 366.
Irish, Tom, 230.
Irving, Washington, 358.
Jack, D. N., elected assessor of Linn County, 76.
Jack, Porter, 244.
Jackson, Stonewall, 42.
Jackson, Mrs. Helen Hunt, 326.
Jackson, P. B., 365.
Jackson, David E., letter of, 395.
Jacobs, Judge Orange, 371.
Jefferson, President, trading posts with Indians, 5, 12, 110.
Jefferson, Delos, 65.
Johns, James, 79.
Johnson, Miss, 24.
Johnson, Doctor, 38.
Johnson, Mr., 63.
Johnson, P. B., 365.
Jones, Mr., killed by Indians, 235.
Jones, Captain, 237.
Journal, The Independence, 270, 277.
Kautz, General A. V., 239.
Kearny, Major Phil, 231, 239.
Keene, Granville, 234.
Keeney, Johnathan, 74.
Kelley, Hall J., agitating colonization of Oregon, 9.
Kelly, Captain William, 100.
Kelly, James K., History of the Preparation of the "First Code of Oregon," 185; elected commissioner to draft code of laws for Oregon, 189; nominated and elected member of council, 192.