INDEX TO VOL V. Abornethy, Governor George, 47, 52; letter to, mi ; quotation from m.-- sage, .'<>:. Adams, Annie May. s. Ain-worth. .1. C., 124, l:U. Akin, John. I.:'.. Alderman, ., character of, 298. .leander. I jifayette, auditor Hpokane County, 2tt. Andrew, 'John A., Governor of Massa- chusetts, 14. A finance, .,384. Antecedents ortbe Oregon Pioneers and the Light these Throw ..n their M.- tlves, hy John Ml n to, 38. Applegatc, Jesse, 40, 47, 48, 195, 2K7, 294. Applcgau-, Lindsay, 4fi, 70. Applegate, Charle.-. I'.. Applegate Brothers, 43, 45. Appleton. Senator, 04. Atkln-on, Miss, 19. Atkinson, Doctor, 8KB. ltul>cock. Ira L, appointed probate judge. 112,307. Bacon. K., IS. Bacon. Carrie, Is. Bagley, Clarence B., "The Mercer Immi- gration": Two Cargoes of Maidens lor the Hound Country, 1, 12. Bagley, Daniel, 7, 11, 12, 19,22,23. Bailey, William. Baker, Miss, H. Baker, Sir Samuel, 375. Barlow, Ma, is. Barnard, Dr. C. K., and wife, 18. Barnard. W. K., II. Bartelson, ( 'olonel, i~. Barry. I... is. Bates, Doctor, 27. . .1. It., Justice of piice Hpokane rountv, IT ; state representative, -i Beagle, William Beat lie, Mr. .22.-.. . Alans K',. Bellinger, Judge C. B., I Is. Uenlon. Tlioma- II., II, 141. Black. S., In charge of Walla Walla es- tablishment, :c;i. Blair. Prior Ulanchel, K. N.. >|. Boardnian, t '., |s. t, .1.. and wife, is. Bogpi, I, III. urn W., :t7-J. liidi."- KeiilH-n P., :<IO. llnlandi-r. l>r. Henry N., 212. ItolN. ( aptaln, I!'. l'.iM>ii, Colonel, :t72. II<M.ih, Mr., -Mt. l'..M.ih. William, .118. BoUnlftU of the Oiegon < 'ountry. An-el I-', lleininway, 'JBi. ItuKanl, CapUiln. 54. Hni-kenrl.l K .. W. |... with Wllk.-.2ll. Hradbury. John, 210. I ira. I ion i. I>. F and I). K., bought port- age road, 121, 122. Bradford .v Company, 125. Brady, B., 1. Brlgy's, Kilns i:Ci. 187. I'.riyi."-. 1-aac, |.V>. Brlsinw. Klljah, IX>. Brlst.iw W. W., 137. British Northwest company. 107. Broughton, ., discoveries of, Htt. Brown, Thomas, -IH-I ill of H|M>kane C'/ount v, 2,~>. Bn>wn, V. V., elecUnl state representa- tive, 81. Brown, Capl. John, 19. Brown, Mrs. Tabltha, started Pacific University, 1W. Itn.wn, K. J.,228. Buchanan, James, 311. Buckmlnster, Mrs., 18. Buford, CapU Thomas, W. Bullard, Kit, d7. Burnett. Peter II., 43, 44, 45, 47, 50. 54; KerolleclloiiH and Opinions of an Old Pioneer," IH; ele-t<-d captain of emigrant train, W; M BeooueetloiM ami opinions ot an Old Pioneer," 1 >l. 272; elected J udge supreme court. aJ; " Iteeollectlons and Opinions or an Old lloneer," 370. Burnett party arrived In Hacramento Valley, SHI. Burnett, George H., 182. Burnett. Horace, aft). Hum-, llunh. Hi*. Burr, Aaron, HI. Burton, Henator, 5H. Cala|MH>la Indians, deiM-rlpt Ion of, i:it. Caiii|'l H. Charles H., auditor si. . n- County.2!i; ele.-tel to Carter, Smiley. |:. c.i-iieman, K. P.. i:. ceiitenniiii, Lewis and dark, 102. chadwlck.s. K., Sii-n-tary of State of Oregon, 274. riiamlsso, A. on. Ji-. Chapln, .lame-, !:>. ( 'hapline, Alirahatu, 0. Cha-. . Mrs., |H. Cheney, Mlts 8. chenoweih, h. A., first portage riMu! at ( 'a-i-.t'l' 1 -. i JI . Christian. Colonel. 0. Clark, li.-n ... .. li: ,. Kogep.. 41. V, 61. Clark, William. II.'. I. Clark, IHinlel,.,l..-i2,ll. c.H-hnin. J.. IJB. I . W.. rA Cotrinati, Miss, H. CollltlM, P., |8. c.iintiiiiiii. tlrsl HUiimlHMit to I he OftS- -. 122.
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