Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly vol. 5.djvu/421

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INHKX. 411 K. -collections f itn Indian A^i-n: tracts fruui T. V. l>a >-ii| Recollections and opinions <>i mi 01.1 I'lon.-er. P.-tcr II. liuriiett, ill; sam. C.intllllll-d. I'll. Kcddiim. |i. l:.. H Keed. s . ,.. I-.K. Bee*. NV. II.. ;:.. 11', .,l. Reviews, nu mi. Rhodes, ..ami wife. Is. Khod. - ' Hi.-,-. M. i Richardson, I >...-|,ir, :>(0. Rickman, Mr., i~. RiKdon. Mis. s.. |:>. Kilt-v. < Jem-nil Itcnnctt, T.".. Roberta i. R., .inoi.-d, Hi Robinson. Surah A.. I!'. -. .lulin I 1 .. Royers. R. K., treasurer o| S|M>kuiir County, J7. Boas, Alexander, 110. Ruckcl, Colonel, 12-J. Russell. Thomas S.. s. Russell. Captain, 00. Russell. Wlllliiin. 00. Russell, Judx'e < .. 1">1, 157. Russell. ( >>lMini, -Jits, :WJ. Siiblno. .loscph. ITJ!', :!-J!l, X&. Siuil.orii. II. 1 1 . Sandusky, Janus, iiO. s.-iinhi-ky, .'olin, 00. scott, 11 .. BennnlniKol on-non Hx- I>loratiniis and Karly Si-ttli-mciit at tin- Mouth of the Columbia Kivcr, lui. Scoit, Captain. 1 .'.. Seoul. T, I>r. .lulin, J>s. -i:>, ill, .TJi; letter to, .TCt. shariistciu, li. I... -tatc councilman. 81. sha'- Rebellion, efftet of. SB. Bbefby, l-aa.-. nt. Sli.-lliv, Captain, 00. sh. rii'laii. Sc-oiul Lieutenant I'liillp, at. Shlvely, .John M shotvv, >. : Shortevs, KolM-rt, l.x'. Sliiioiiton, ICev. Mr., 31. Siniiii-. .lohn A., -lad- IVprcM-ntalive, '. Slininons, Colonel M. T., 89. Simpson, i i.-oife, :rjn. Skinner, KUKI-IH- K., i: ill. Slaiit;ht-r. Colon. 1 (i.-oi-^i-. mi. slavery and tree nei;roc- and lnulntt.x-8 ill I rei;on. S|NinMliii;. C. S.. anil wife. Is, 1 1 1, .*'. S|N-ncer, Itntte, orltfln <if naiiie. 1:1. Sjn-ncer, M.-rlM-rl, N-ad.-r ol >- lutln- l-ls. :i|r,; "The ConilliL'Slax, I v SplrllM, an act to prohibit tin- hit loduc- tlon, inanufa.-ture, sale, and of, - J!0; vet.M-d liy K<)Veril(r, 'M'l ; pJlHwd over Veto, 'A3. "Mimkanr and Steven-. Counties. The Kvolutlon of," by Thomas V. I'ntscli, H|M>kane County, errata!, US; unnexvd Stevens I mint ! '., 138. Smith. Captain II. nrv, 8. Smith. M..I., Iv Smith. Jr.. Jos.-iili.5B. Hnook, ., 186. Staple-. M.. |s. Stark, Iteiijainin, I-;. steamhoats, earl v 'olumhia Klvi-r, 1J. Stephens. Annie K., IS, |. st. .-n-, Mamie, l>. Htevt-iis, Harriet K., 18; rvoord Mercer Immlu'ratiiiii, I!*. SU-phoiii-on, Mr., and wife, IS. btenuger, ThaniM, judne Spo- kane count SU-Vens, Kute, M. Htevfii, K. ., Is. Slevons oiiniy, i-rrii !!, % JU. Stevens, Isjiiie Innalls, 4 JU. 8t4-vMi, A. .)., i:i. SteviMison. Mr.. 7.~>. Htlokncy, Kate, s. Stewart, II.. Is. Htewart, l:inii-l. state representative, :*. Hit-wart, Alexander, - JJ7. Stewart, P. U., 2UK, 80i Stnilglit. Mr., lN'i. Huksilorf, W.. 'JlL'. Sutler, Captain, :s, :ftr.'. Sweet, Churl. Taney, Itoger B., 311. Terry, C. T., 8. Terry. Hon. C. C.. 11. Thompson, I >avl<l, first to explore Tpper Columl.ia. 106. Thoni|>son, K. K.. 123, 124, 125. Tliorn. Captain, II'. Thornton, ( 'olonel John, 67. Thornton, (Jninii J., 150. Thorp, Major, 53. Tlngley, J. J., 18. TliiKley S. S., 18. . Isaac L., ntnte re prose nta live, a*,:); rM-le<-tsl state representative, 31. Torrev, I (IK- tor, I'll. Tmll of I.t-wlH and Clark, The. by Olln D. Wlifvlt-r, review, K. TninsplantliiK Iowa's Laws U> Oregon, l.y f. I Herrlott, 188. Treaty of June 15. 1MO, .M Tre'n. Ix-wlH A., 18. Trimble, Jamex, (. Troll p. Captain James W., 131. Tucker, KKlirrt H., 6. UnlvT>lty, Ti-rrlUirhil, 7.

anl.erKen, J. ()., 122. 

Van Hokkelen, J. J. H., -late council- man, 81. Vancouver, - ., dlsooverloH of, 103. Vanslcklr, J. M., -tat.- councilman. 31. Vllliml, Henry,!*; purehased or. .-on Navluatlon Company, 12i. N ak. 111. in. Mis., 18. Waldo. Daniel, fl, 4l, 47, 183.90. Valdron. 1). V. K., 6. Vak.-rand Cells, III. Ware. J., 130. Wark, John, 386, M6,JM. NVarr.-n, Mrs., 18. WashiiiKion, Qeonm.BB. . Jam.-. IT. ->. TA Watson, H.,,,. W. H.. :i. W.-l.ster. iMivhl II.. 18; marn.d. V. W..ks. Mr., unc! wife, 18.

. lv 

Wllkins. M.. i:w;. Jhn H., appointed coinnil*- loner Spokane County, 88.