410 INDEX. Clarence B. Bagley, 1. Mercer, Asa 8., arrives in Seattle, 7 ; in New York, 8; returns to Seattle, 9; elected to legislature, 9; letter to Qa- zette, 10, 14 ; married, 19, 21, 23. Mercer, Judge Thomas, 7. Mercer, W. L., and wife, 18. Mercer, Colonel, 78. Metzger, Captain, 19. McBean, Mr., 282. McCall, J. K., 6. McCarthy, Justin, "History of Our Own Times," quoted, 323. McCarver, M. M., 47, 89, 183, 280. McClure, ., 286. McCreary, William, commissioner Spo- kane County, 2(5. McCutcheon, Mrs., 392. McDonald, Jack, 50. McDonald, Mr., 334, 350. McDougal, Duncan, 110. McDugald, John, commissioner Spo- kane County, 2ii. McGillivray, ., 22f>. McKay, Jean Baptists, 271. McKay, Thomas, 373. McKenzie, Patrick, sheriff of Spokane County, 20; auditor Spokane County, 20. McKenzie, ., 242. McKinley, Mr., in charge of Fort Walla Walla, Si. McLeod, Angus, 26; commissioner Spo- kane County, 0. McLeod, John, 219, 258, 326. McLoughlin, Dr. John, 50, 51, 85, 93, 94, 181, 195, 221, 243; quotation from ad- dress, 297, 326, 373. McLoughlin, David, letter from, 113. McPherson, John C., 400. McTavish, J. G., 110, 335. McTavish, Donald, death of, 111. Mill, John Stuart, 316. Miller, A., 18. Minto, John, Antecedents of the Oregon Poneers and the Light, these Throw on their Motives, 38. Mocino, Josef M., 208. Mofras, M. Dtillot de, 211. Montgomery, C.H., state representative, 81. Montgomery, Captain James, 60. Moore, Robert, 185. Morrison, K. W., 39, 40, 45, 53. Mulligan, Charnel, 136, 137. Munro, ., 335. Murphy, Maria, 8. Murray, John, governor of Virginia, 58. Murrav, Stewart, 228. Nesmith, J. W., 43, 44, 47, 67 ; elected or- derly sergeant emigrant train, 68, 91 ; pays tribute to the memory of Apple- gate, 287. Nevius, R. D., 212. Newberry, Dr. John S., 211. Newell, Robert, 50, 51, 122, 151, 158, 185, 392. Noble, H., 136. North America During the Years 1824- 25-26-27. Sketch of a Journey to the Northwestern Part of the Continent of, by David Douglas, 230 ; same, 325. Nugent, John, 94. Nuttall, Thomas, 209; with Wyeth ex- pedition, 210, 269. Nye, Michael, 388. Nye, Mrs. Michael, of the Donner party, 391,393. O'Bryant, H. D., state councilman, 31. Olmstead, H,, 122, 125. O'Neal, James A., 185. Ordway, Lizzie M., 8. Oregon, Beginnings of, Exploration and Early Settlement at the Mouth of the Columbia River, H. W. Scott, 105. Oregon, origin of the name, 105. Oregon Steam Navigation Company, a brief history of, P. W. Gillette, 120. Oregon Steam Navigation Company, in- corporated, 124 ; reincorporated, 124. Oreuon Spectator, quotation from, 293. Oregon Railroad and Navigation Corn- puny, 130. Osborne, .Mrs. M., and son, 18. Owen, John, commissioner Spokane County. 26. Pacific Fur Company, 107, 110. Pacific University, beginnings of, 204. Paine, Mr., death of, 75. Palmer, General, 50. Pambrun, Mr., 222,345. Parker, Mrs., 18. Parker, Samuel, 114. Parker, Mr., 293. Parton, Professor, 210. Parvin, Theodore S., 140. Payette, Mr., in charge Fort Boise, 81. Pearson, Georgie, 8. Pearson, Josephine, 8. Pearson, Daniel, 9. Pearson, Mrs., and son, 18. Peebles, Annie, 18. Peebles. Lizzie, 18. Peel, Lieutenant William, 50. Pelley, John Henry, 230. Pentland, Robert, 51. People's Transportation Company, or- ganized. 128. Perkins, Mr., in charge mission at The Dalles, 85. Perrigo, W., and wife, 18. Peterson, Mr., and wife, 18. Pettis, Captain K., and wife, 18. Phillips, Mr., 23. Pickering, William, 7, 17, 22. Pickering, Dr. Charles, with Wilkes, 211. Pierce, Mr., tirst postmaster Cottage Grove, 137. Pierce. Franklin, 311. Pike, /ebulon, 104. Pile, Mrs., 394. Pilkey, Solomon, justice of peace, Spo- kane County, 26. Piper, C V.,212. Pleasant Hill, origin of name, 136. Poage, Miss L. K., 59. Pomeroy, Mr., 157, 181. Potter, ., 388. Prosch, Charles, 2. Proseh, Thomas W., The Evolution of Spokane and Stevens Counties, 25. Prospecting, origin of term, 3S7. Provisional Government, The, 102. "Quebec Act," 57. Randall, K. O., 57. Itay. David, death of, 399. Read, F., is.
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