INDEX. 409 Ha. uk.-, Tha.ld.-iis, Ilrst botanlHt t<> visit ( in -non. -""V. Hal.-. K.lwanl Kv. r.-ll. M. Hall. K.. -'!-'. Hull, Mr.. 288. Maria i). HI las, 80. Harris Hlaek. l.V- 1 . on, William, ifj. ll.-nr . 'jrrj. Harrod. .lames, HO. Hasting. I.. W ,.m. Hasty. 1).. l:l. Hathaway, K.. '>-'>. Hawthorne. Ptol M. .1., IT.'., James, ap|H>lntcd commission, r sp,,kane County, 27. Mend. Itoheri <;., S. H. in. nwaT, Ansel K., botanist* of the < ircKon Country, -i'T. Henderson. l'rofi-ss (l r, -~. H. ndrlck. ., 2H. Hend rick*. ., parcbaMd fi'rry on riniKiua, l."i:. Hendrlcks, .1. M., 187. H.-iiry, Patrick Henry. Alexander, Journals. 110; death of H.-nry, III. llernht, 1'nf/et Sound, editorial extract, _'; advertisement from quoted, 6. Ili-i-nlil. V. if Y,.rl;, It!. HcrlM-rt, CapUiln.OO. H.-rriolt. F. 1 , Transplanting Iowa's I,aws to Oregon, :W. Hill, H. <.. Is. Mill, ., coiniiiisssoiicr of Slovens County, 151. Mill, I'avlil, is.',. HilN. c,,ni-11n-<, i:ti, i:ni. Mills. K. .1.. :w. Hlnckl.y, Mr.. 8. Hlninan, Alanxon, lettor from, >'.'. Mist..riral Mai:a/.ini-. West Virginia, .'!!. Mlstorv anil Kvolullon, The I.. -s,,ns ,ii, T. W. I>aveii|H,rl, :tl I. Mollailay. Hen. I".. I'.*. Holla.lay Kailroa.l and Steamship Line, r>. Hooker. i><-i..r. quoted, 217, ttl ; letter Hooker, HI r '. .1.. a lirlef meinoirof Hie life of Mr. l>ai.l Douglas, wild . traets Irom his letter- Morton, |>ext<-r, 7. Morion. Mr.. K -J:i. Morton. A., IK. M..ue||. Thomas, -J|-J. H..el|, .l.>s,-|,|,, I'll:. Ho.M ,V Wills, 'Z. MIL Is., i, Bay Compan v, KI, iv. !i. irj, iu : |x||ey of to Amerlraiis, '>tt ; pulley of aii. Hul.lmnl, Thomas .[., K-,. Mushes, Kphralm. |:i. MiiKhes. tirahuin I,.. 1*1. H nmasoii. t )., r.'l. Hunt, iison r.. r.M.aio. Iinlian ehiiraeter, Jl|. .luekson, ieneral, "iH. JaekflOn, TbomM H.,aH.lstant s 4 -eretary i.l >le^.,||, J7I. .letters,, ii, Thomas, II. IOI. .le ter. .lam. s K. !>.. II. Johnson. I'M'-I.I. lit. II. .l.'luis _ Jones. William K.. 13s. Judiciary of Oregon, The, Chari WoUerton. :7. JII<|S,,M, I,. M., !.-. Kamm, .).. r.'l, lli'.. Kelner, T. W., 47, Kt. Kelley, Mall A., IH. Keliney, M., 18. K. -HI. ,11. Sim m Kiisnn. W.. :u::, :M4. Knox, Jam. s. m. l.ailil A Tllton, I'.'l. lAdd, Charli-N K... 21.1. Lambert. Mr.. :cil. General. i">, l-M. Lam County, The BealnnlnnoC w. K. Dlllard, ll. Langedorn^ < ;. M. von, 20K. Ijissen, IVIer, :{7ii, arrival of Burnett party, :tS7. Law. William, lit. Leo, M. A.U.. IT. l, Vi.JiM; extnirt fn>m letler to white, MX Lor, .I.IS.HI, H |. Lefovre, Andrew, nppolnto<l roinmlH- sloner, S|x>kane County, :ct. I .fin n inn. 1'rot. .1. ( ;., 212. Lemon, Sir Charles, -j^;. Lewis, F. A., is. Lew is, MerlWether, II, 1. Lewis, lien. Andrew, oW, 00, 61. Lewis, r<>|. CharU-s, BO. L. -w is and Clark iNirty, KM; KlKiilflrance ofe|H-.liiion. I Is. Lincoln. I'l.-sid. in. '.', :M. Linn, Senator I/t-wls F., II..1H, i;i, HI, 146, 1 1"; valuo of services to ( ireyon. Limit. in. < in-Kon, town of, laid out by Burn. -It A MeCarver,iK. Literary KemaltiK of Ihivld lioiiclas. hot a n I si of the()n>Koii Country, 215. LollU. Poet or. |s|. IXIIIK, .1. K., Iftl. I...IIL'. I>r. John !., 8M. Lou-. Willis, ,m Lon i:. Dr. lieiijamln, 300. Loncfleid, Itlehard, <-omniliis|onor 01 Stevens County, 20. LM>ney, 47. Lord. Clam M., Is. Loud. Mrs. .1. ., and son, IK. l.ovejoy, A. L., ttl!, ||l. Ltidern, ., botanist, 212. l.xl.s, t. W., 121, 127. l.yman. Horaco H., 402. Maeaiilav, .. 216. Maeken/.le, Alexander, Kk'i Maey, l'rofesiir Jese, I in. Manning'. Alln-rt A., an. I wife, IK. Maniilnt;. Mna K . Is. Martin. Mr.. 18. Martin, William, t"; . I. ,-i-d captain l<> sii.-eeed Illirnelt. 6K. Martin. Charles. |:11. Martin, 'a<|.-, tlrst native son of Ijine < 'oiint v, 137. Marllu.Caplaln.aH. Math. ny. Daniel, -'<i. ". Me-k. Joaepta I... l-M : chm>n HIT. . ., iiuarterm.i il, I A. ManMiM Archibald. .^K. Iliilill^ralloli, The, Two CarttWN Maiden* for the BoandOoantrj . >'
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