CONTENTS. SUBJECT IN 1)1. . PAGE Beginnings of Oregon Kxplorutioa and Settlement at the Mouth of the Columbia River. H. W. Keott .-.._ 101-llU Beginnings of Lane County, The. W. B. Dlllard .188-188 Botanist of the Oregon Country, Literary Remains of David Douglas, with "A Brief Memoir of His Lift-," by Hlr W. J. Hooker 1M5 271, 325-30U Botanists of the Oregon Country. Ansel K. Hemenway 207-214 Brim field Heroine, A Mrs. Tabltha Brown.. 199-2)6 Brown, Mrs. Tabltha A Brimfleld Heroine __ 199-206 Columbia River, Beginnings of Oregon Exploration and Settlement at the Mouth of the. II. V. Seott .101-lltf Documentary A Brimfleld Heroine Mnt. Tabltha Brown 1W-2U5 Douglas, David, Literary Remains of Botanist of the Oregon Country. Also a Brief Memoir of Sir W. J. Hooker 215-271, 825-3W Evolution, The lessons of History and. T. W. Davenport 814-321 1 1 i-tory, The Lessons of, and Kvolutlon. T. V. Davenport.. SM-'fcM I in migration, The Mercer Two Cargoes of Maidens for the Sound Conn- try. Clarence B. Bagley 1- 24 Indian Agent, Recollections of an. T. W. Davenport 84- 37 Iowa's Laws to Oregon, Transplanting. K. I. Herriott 139-190 Judiciary of Oregon, The. Charles E. Wolverton .307-313 Lane County The Beginnings of. W. B. Dlllard 138-138 Laws, Transplanting Iowa's, to Oregon. K. I. Herriott 189-liiO Ixswls and Chirk, The Trail of. Olln D. Wheeler (Reviewed) 408-404 Maidens, for tin- Sound Country, Two Cargoes of The Mercer Immigra- tion. Clarence B. Bagley 1- 34 Motives, Antecedents of the Oregon Pioneer* and the Light these Throw on tli.-lr. John Minto _ 88- OB Navigation Company, A Brief History of the Oregon Steam. P. W. <ill- lette 120-132 Oregon, Beginnings of. H. W. Scott 101-119 Oregon. The Judiciary of. Charles E. Wolverton 807-813 Oregon Hteam Navigation Company, A Brief History of. P. W. <;illrtu>.. 120-IX! Oregon, Transplanting of Iowa'* Lawi to. F. I. Herrlolt
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