iv SUBJECT INDEX. PAGE 1'imi, <!, Recollections uiul Opinions of an Old. Peter H. Burnett ---------- ............. . ___ ...... ___ ...... ___________________ ..... -09, 139-1'JH, 272-303. 370-101 Pioneers, Antecedents of the Oregon, and the Light these Throw on their Motives. John Miuto _________ ..... _____ ...... ________________ ........... 88- (tt Recollections and Opinions of an Old Pioneer. Peter H. Burnett ----------- ......... _______________________________________________ M-99, 130-198, 272-305, 370-402 " Recollections of an Indian Agent." T. W. Davenport --------------------- 34- .'57 The Vainlillls"; "Trail of Lewis and Clark" _____________ ....... 402-404 Sound Country, "The Mercer Immigration," Two Cargoes of Maidens for the. Clarence B. Bagley _______________________________ ...... ____ ..... _____ 1- 24 Spokane and Stevens Counties, The Evolution of. Thomas W. Prosch ____ 25- 33 Stevens Counties, The Evolution of Spokane and. Thomas W. Prosch ____ 25- 33 Trail, The Lewis and Clark. Olin.D. Wheeler. (Reviewed) __________________ 403-404 YamuillP, The. J. C. Cooper (Reviewed) ___________ ..... .., ___________________ 402
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