AUTHOR'S INDEX. AUTHORS' INDEX. I'ACJF. /{ii</tfy, (larence tt. The Mercer Immigration Two Cargoes of Maidens for the Son iul Country 1- 24 ttrnwn, Mrs. Tal>itha" Itrlmtlold Heroine" 199-206 Jtvrnett, Peter ff." Recollections and Opinions of an Old IMoneer " -<H-99, 130-198, 272-306, 370-401 Cooper, J. C. "The Yamhllls An Indian Romance." (Reviewed) 402 npart, T. II'. An Kxtraot from "Tho Recollections of an Indian nl " 34- 37 Dillartl, W. B. Tho Beginnings of Lane County 13H-I38 Douglas, Davi<l Tho Literary Remains of Rotanlst of the Oregon Coun- try. Also a Brief Memoir of by Sir NV. .1. Hooker. I and II 215-271, 326-889 Gillette. P. H'. A Brief-History of the Oregon Steam Navigation Company. 120-1 32 ll'-im-nwny, Ansel F. The Botanists of the Oregon Country 207-214 Herrioll, F. /.Transplanting of Iowa's Laws to Oregon. 139-150 Minto, John Antecedent* of the Oregon Pioneers and the Light these Throw on their Motives 38- 63 Proteh, Thomai W. The Evolution of Hpokane and Stevens Counties 25- 33 Ni-nit, H. W. Beginnings of Oregon Kxplorat Ion and Settlement at the Mouth of the Columbia River 101-llit Wheeler, (Hin D. The Trail of Lewis and Clark, 1804-1904. (Reviewed) 40S-404 Wolvertvn, Cfinrlex A'. The Judiciary of Oregon 307-31S Young. Frederic George PMitorlal Prefatory Notes to Reprint of Mu-rary Id-mains of David Douglas; Reviews of 215-222 Reviews of: "The Yamhllls An Indian Romance" 402 "Tho Trail of Ix-wls and Clark, 1804-1904". 403-404
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