Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly vol. 8.djvu/81

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OCCUPATION OF THE COLUMBIA RIVER. 73 for regulating intercourse with the Indian tribes, shall be deemed and had to be in full force throughout the territories inhabited by the said tribes. Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That there shall be a Superintendent of Indian Affairs, who shall reside at St. Louis ; and all the Indian agents to the different tribes on the waters of the Upper Mississippi, the Lakes Michigan, Erie, and Superior, and the waters of Missouri, Arkansas, Red River, and Columbia, shall be under his control and direction, and shall corrspond with him, and through him, to the De- partment of War. The said Superintendent shall be author- ized and required to grant all licenses to Indian traders, and shall have over them a general superintendence; that each trader shall make a full and accurate report to him of the state and condition of the Indians with whom they trade, at least once a month ; and the Superintendent shall forward the same, digested in a general report, to the Department of War, once in three months, or oftener if thereto required. Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That so much of every act which establishes a superintendency of Indian Affairs at Washington city, and so much of every act which establishes factories among the Indian tribes, be, and the same is hereby, repealed. Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That the property in the hands of the Superintendent of Indian Affairs at Washington city, and the respective factors in the service of the United States, be sold, and the proceeds accounted for in such manner as the Secretary of the Department of War may direct. Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That licenses shall not be granted to trade with any of the Indian tribes, to any but citizens of the United States, of approved moral character. and of ability to embark at least dollars annually in the trade ; and every trader obtaining a license so to trade, shall have a fixed habitation ; to which end he may lease from the tribe where such habitation is fixed, a tract of land not ex- ceeding miles square, and for a term not exceeding years, nor shall it be within miles of a similar location