Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly vol. 8.djvu/82

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74 DOCUMENTS. previously made, and shall have leave to trade within the limits of their respective licenses; and each trader shall set up a blacksmith shop, and shall supply the Indians with such working tools as they may be willing to purchase; and are hereby required to cultivate at their establishments, the dif- ferent kinds of grain and fruit, which the climate and soil will produce, and shall rear the domestic animals in common use ; and shall furnish seed and stock animals to such Indians as may wish to buy them, and shall induce them to cultivate the soil and rear domestic animals. Nor shall any trader be permitted to sell to any of the Indian tribes ardent spirits of any kind, under the penalty of - - dollars for every such offence, and shall ever after be debarred the privilege of trading with any Indian tribe. Each trader shall pay - dollars annually for his license, but it shall be granted during good behaviour upon his giving bond with sufficient security, which shall be judged of by the superintendent, and may by him be required to give additional security in proportion to his additional capital employed every two years, the license to be annulled for breach of conditions, which shall be deter- mined by the verdict of a jury. Sec. 9. And ~be it further enacted, That the money paid to the superintendent annually for licenses by the Indian traders, shall be by him appropriated to the purchase of any kind of seed or domestic animals, for such Indians as may want to cultivate such seed, or rear such animals ; but if, at the end of the year, there should be money remaining in his hands accru- ing from this fund, he shall make payment of it into the Treasury of the United States, where it shall be kept as a dis- tinct fund, to be applied to the building of mills in such place and manner among the different tribes as the President may direct; and it is hereby made the duty of the agent who has care of the affairs of that tribe where such mill is built, to superintend the building of the same, and to transmit an accurate account of his disbursements to the superintendent, and by him to the Department of War.