Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 12.djvu/239

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POLITICAL PARTIES IN OREGON 231 equally damnable" with those of the Clique. Perceiving that the National Democratic organization must be temporary, he urged Republicans to "put their house in order and make prep- arations for comfortably housing those who, after escaping from Babylon, will want a Jerusalem to flee to. Republicans never need look for many deserters from the ranks of the foe as long as they have no more comfortable quarters to invite them into than an area covered by a few slab seats under a fir tree. 1 While Dryer had not yet espoused Republicanism, he was as zealous as Adams in efforts to prevent a "coalition with in- famy" on the part of the "old line Whigs and all opponents of the bogus Oregon Democracy." He maintained vigorously that the quarrel among the Democrats was entirely a matter of their own, and that they should be left to fight it out in their own way. 2 The proceedings of the Marion county Republican conven- tion contain much that is suggestive of the situation in 1857- '58 from the Republican standpoint^ The preamble to the resolutions referred to "a considerable number of professed Republicans who have been and are opposed to the organiza- tion of an Oregon Republican party and who have by their influence thus far prevented any general organization." It was declared to be worse than useless to wait or hope for any ad- vantage to be gained by the schism among the Democrats, and a thorough organization was demanded. Early in March the Yamhill Republicans declared in favor of the nomination of a state ticket and recommended that the approaching convention nominate such candidates as can and will boldy go before the people in support of Republican principles. The Republican state convention met at Salem April 2. In the platform adopted the first several resolutions dealt with the Kansas question and denounced the pro-slavery action of the . Administration. The Dred Scott decision, "which makes the Constitution a grand title instrument to every holder of lArgus, March 6, 1858. sOregonian, Feb. 13, Feb. 20. 3Proceedings, in Oregonian, April 3.