Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 12.djvu/240

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232 W. C. WOODWARD slaves," was stigmatized as a disgrace to the judiciary of the Nation and a stain upon the national character. Locally, the Democratic doctrine of caucus sovereignty was repudiated as dangerous and anti-Republican. Likewise, the Viva Voce voting system, subjecting the suffrage of the citizen to the surveillance of partisan inspectors, was condemned as a relic of barbarism which found fit friends in a party whose whole organization was devoted to the extinguishment of every spark of personal freedom. 1 The ticket nominated was as fol- lows : Congressman, J. R. McBride, Yamhill ; Governor, John Denny, Marion ; Secretary of State, Leander Holmes, Clack- amas ; Treasurer, E. L. Applegate, Umpqua ; Printer, D. W. Craig, Clackamas, who was associated with Adams in the publication of the Argus. In commenting upon the convention Dryer characterized "this Republican movement" as premature and unwise. 2 He charged a few men in and about Oregon City with having orig- inated it, and with having called the convention "without the knowledge and consent of those who have a right to advise at least in matters of this kind. * * * Now, these men will have to elect their ticket, if elected at all." Personal pique at being ignored by the presumptive Republican leaders, com- bined with a feeling of jealousy over the ascendancy of the Argus with the new party, is clearly recognized in Dryer's attitude. Furthermore, his name had been unsuccessfully used in the convention in the nomination of Congressman. He de- clared the whole movement was conceived in error by those restless minds who lacked the all important element neces- sary to ensure political triumph over the Salem dynasty. With three tickets in the field, each bidding for Whig support as the heir of the Whig party, the Oregonian entered an eloquent protest. "Do not bury us until we are dead," said the irre- concilable Whig editor. "Let us say when we are dead." In an editorial "To Oregonians who Love Their Country More than Party" he sounded the last clarion call to Whigs to hold their ground. 3 i Proceedings in Oregonian, April 10. 2Oregonirm, April 10. 3"Have the principles ... of the Whig party ceased to exist? We think not. . . . What though the organization of the old Whig party be broken up its principles still live. ... Is John J. Crittenden, the gallant standard bearer, left alone? Have you all deserted him? . . . Have you de- nied the faith? Are you willing, do you wish to lose your political identity? Will you sell your birthright for a mess of pottage? Shame! Shame!" Ore- gonian editorial, April 17, addressed to Whigs.