Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 22.djvu/280

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ing and in general the ship's fare is good, but proper attention to airing their beds and cloathing and fumigating their berths is not paid.

27. S. Latt 2 5'; W. Long. 28 26'; Azi. 5 5(X W. Pleasant, agreeable weather. Wind from SE to ESE. Plenty of fish about us. Breezes moderate.

28. S. Latt. 3 34'; W. Long. 29 5'. Spoke a French India ship, from L'Orient bound to Pondicherry, reckond himself in Longitude 26 50' W. of Paris. Caught a large Albacore. 3 Wind ESE. Pleasant weather.

29. S. Latt. 5 12'; W. Long. 29 22'; Amp'd 4 59' W. Winds from ESE., squally weather.

30. S. Latt. 7 24'; W. Long. 30 16'; Azi, 4 51' W. Fresh gales. Caught an Albacore that weighed 130 Ib. Spoke a Portuguese ship from Lisbon bound to Rio Janeiro.

31. S. Latt. 9 31'; W. Long. 31 9'; Morning Azi. 4 8', Evening, Azi. 3 42'. A ship in sight. Pleasant weather with fresh trade winds, from ESE. to SE.

December 3. S. Latt. 13 30'; W. Long. 32 26'; Azi. 1 40' W.; O. <T. This day lost the SE. general winds, and immediately took it at NE. This Northly wind is no doubt the Monsoon prevailing at this season along the Brazill coast. Pleasant weather.

4. S. Latt. 14 39' ; W. Long. 32 40' ; Amp'd 53' W. Light breezes from NE. and very hot weather.

6. S. Latt. 17 23'; W. Long. 33 14'; azi. 1 28' W. Mod- erate breezes and pleasant. Winds from NE. to ENE.

7. S. Latt. 18 25' ; W. Long. 33 33' ; Amp'd 17' E. Do winds and weather, and swell from NE.

9. S. Latt. 21 52'; W. Long. 35 43'; Azi. 1 36' E. Moderate monsoon, and fair weather.

10. S. Latt. 23 55'; W. Long. 37 4'; Azi. 2 34' E. Lively breeze and pleasant temperate weather.

11. S. Latt. 25 0'; W. Long. 38 44' O <T. This day a heavy squall struck the ship, carried away the top gall't masts and yards, topsail yards, and fore, and mizen, topmasts; lost the top gall't sails and damaged the topsails.

3 A larg species of Tunny (Thynnus). W. C. F.