Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 22.djvu/281

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13. S. Latt. 27 11'; W. Long. 39 18'; Azi. 5 15' E. In the course of this day got ship to rights again. Winds some- times hauls to the southward of East. Crew all in health.

14. S. Latt. 27 50'; W. Long. 40 5'; Amp'd 8 5' E. Wind at SE., moderate breeze, large swell from SW.

16. S. Latt. 30 26'; W. Long. 42 59*; Azi. and Amp'd 8 28' E. Wind at NE. and weather pleasant.

18. S. Latt. 32 52*; W. Long. 45 39'; Azi. 9 ff E. O . This day the NE. winds left us, and come at NW., fresh breeze and cloudy hazy weather.

21. S. Latt. 33 56'; W. Long. 48 34'; Azi. 11 32* E. Saw an Albatross, many other kinds flying about the ship. Large sea from SE.

22. S. Latt. 34 33'; W. Long. 48 15'; Azi. 11 38' E.

  • <T. This day a heavy gale of wind from the SE. Lay too.

Saw a turtle. A high sea.

25. S. Latt. 36 57'; W. Long. 46 23'; Azi. 11 36' E. Cool weather. Since the NE. winds left they have generally prevailed from the Southward, and blow'd fresh.

26. S. Latt. 37 37'; W. Long. 47 20'. Sounded, no bottom, 150 fm. line out the water discolour'd.

27. S. Latt. 39 7' ; W. Long. 49 58'. Discolor'd water. Sounded no bottom at 150 fm.

29. S. Latt. 41 6'; W. Long. 53 28'; Azi. 17 25' E. Discolor'd water, no bottom at 120 fm. lowr'd a whale boat, and struck a black fish but lost him. The iron drew.

30. S. Latt. 41 53'; W. Long. 54 4'; Azi. 17 54' E. Cold weather. Winds from SW.

31. S. Latt. 42 46'; W. Long. 53 45'; Azi. 17 54' E. Fresh gales. Caught 16 Albatross's, with a hook and line from the stern, hook'd them in the bill. Ships crew are all in health.

So ends the year 1790.


1791. January 6. S. Latt. 48 0'; W. Long. 54 O r ; Amp'd 21 2* E. Generally fresh gales, and winds mostly from the Southward. Have caught many albatrosses within