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For Byzantine Art—

C. Bayet: L'Art byzantin (iii ed. Paris, Picard, 1904).
C. Diehl: Études byzantines (Paris, Picard, 1905).
Strzygowski: Orient oder Rom (Leipzig, 1901).
—— Byzantinische Denkmäler (3 vols. Vienna, 1891–1903).
F. X. Kraus: Gesch. der christlichen Kunst (Freiburg, Herder, vol. i, 1896).
S. Beissel, S.J.: Altchristliche Kunst u. Liturgie in Italien (Herder, 1899).
Lethaby and Swainson: The Church of Sancta Sophia (London, Macmillan, 1894).
Diehl: Études byzantines (op. cit.), 2 and 3, gives a bibliography of the enormous number of works on the Byzantine question published during the last few years.



J. Hergenröther: Photius, Patriarch von Constantinopel (Regensburg, Manz, 1867) is, without question, the most exhaustive work. The three large volumes contain not only a detailed account of Photius's life and writings, but elaborate discussions of the remote causes of the schism, the schism of Cerularius and its effects, so that they cover nearly all the ground touched on by this book. A supplement gives a collection of inedited works of Photius. Kattenbusch describes it in the German Protestant Realenzyklopädie as being "without doubt the most learned work" (xv, 375, iii ed.), and in his Konfessionskunde (i, 119), "admirable for its learning and desire to be just." All the documents relating to Cerularius's schism are edited by C. Will: Acta et scripta quæ de controversiis ecclesiæ græcæ et latinæ sæculo XI composita extant (Leipzig, 1861). Psellos's History has been edited by C. Sathas in Methuen's Byzantine Texts (1899). See also L. Bréhier: Le Schisme oriental du XI siècle (Paris, Leroux, 1899). A. Pichler: Gesch. der kirchl. Trennung zwischen dem Orient u. Occident (Munich, 1864–5. 2 vols.). Norden: Das Papsttum und Byzanz. (Berlin, 1903).