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England, Rev. S. S., 6 385

Evans, Eev. Jonathan, 384, 788 249

Faber, Rev. Frederick W., D.D., 263, 965 387

Fancli, Rev. James 147

Fawcett, Rev. John, D.D., 273, 309, 466, 633, 832, 958, 968, 970 ... 223

Fellows, John, 858 251

Fletcher, Samuel, 980, 982 312

Flowerdew, Anne, 950 301

Francis 249

Gellerfc, C. F., 388 159

Gerhard, Rev. Paul, 363, 374, 606 33

Gibbons, Rev. Thomas, D.D., 713, 908 176

Goode, Rev. William, M.A., 114 323

Grant, James, 610 153

Grant, Sir Robert, 162, 367, 369 317

Greene, Thomas, 602 264

Grigg, Rev. Joseph, 509, 622 149

Guest, Rev. Benjamin, 851 391

Gunn, Rev. H. Mayo, 903 391

Gurney, Rev. J. Hampden, M.A., 353 372

Guyou, Jeanne B. de la Motte, 681 59

Hammond, Rev. William, B.A., 339, 785 152

Harris, Rev. John, D.D , 882 369

Hart, Rev. Joseph, 435, 511,615,794,849,995 154

Hastings, Thomas, Mus. Doc., 494, 514, 521, 812 309

Haweis, Rev. Thomas, LL.B., M.D., 426, 506, 649 212

./ Heber, Bishop Reginald, 312, 332, 416, 417, 455, 733, 912 .. .,. 302

Heginbotham, Rev. Ottiwell, 957 236

Hemans, Felicia D., 721 356

Hervey, Rev. James, M.A., 282 : 157

Hill, Rev. Rowland, M.A., 504, 740 237

Homburg, Ernest C., 373 32

Hopkins, Rev. J. 23

Humphreys, Rev. Joseph, 557 1 69

Huntingdon, The Countess of, 423 126

Hum, Rev. William, 826 326

Judson, Rev. Adoniram, D.D., 558 328

Keble, Rev. John, M.A., 276, 874, 888, 901, 933, 946 337

V Kelly, Rev. Thomas, 387, 410, 411, 709, 710, 766, 789, 833, 919 273

Ken, Bishop Thomas, 458, 929, 938 56

Kippis, Rev.Andrew, D.D., 997 182

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