Page:Over Five Seas and Oceans (Miller, 1894) (IA overfiveseasocea00mill).pdf/119

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about the same strain, by crediting me for more than I thought I deserved. At the conclusion of S. P. Goodale's remarks, a boy handed him two bags containing about 600 Mexican dollars. This amount he said was contributed by my friends in Bangkok for the purpose of purchasing a set of silver, and to be kept to remind me of the friends I left behind me in Bangkok, and also to refresh my memory of the many happy days I passed with them during my four and a half years residence in that city. He said my friends were legion; he did not know of a man, woman or child but what respected me for my manhood and Christian character, from the King down to the Cooley population. In fact, I think he eulogized me too highly to my face. If I had been dead, then he could say what he pleased. At the close of his remarks he presented me with the two bags of treasure. After considerable talking, laughing and crying, the entire escort returned to the "Jack Waters," and cast off their lines and