Page:Over Five Seas and Oceans (Miller, 1894) (IA overfiveseasocea00mill).pdf/120

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started for Bangkok, and left me alone with my own feelings, for I certainly did feel bad at parting with so many staunch friends. I watched the receding "Jack Waters" until she passed around Mud Point and entered the river. My mind began to run over my past four and a half years with the natives, and I saw nothing in my career amongst them but what was of the most friendly character; and I will say the Siamese are today a kind, generous people. I traveled through a large part of their country, and met with nothing but kindness. In some places where we passed, the natives, who never saw a white man, and to whom we looked strange and ate strangely with knife, fork and spoon, would observe us very closely and watch how we handled the tools. Why should I not feel sad at leaving so many people, native and foreign, whom I loved?

The captain went back to the city with the steamer.