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preparation of wood pulp. Reduction to fibrous state is accomplished by the edge runner, drawing the fibres out, thus retaining the length and strength. Kraft papers are smooth, light brown in colour, strong and flexible, and are used for wrappings where these qualities are required.

Leather Boards.—Millboards made of strong materials to which a proportion of leather cuttings may be added. Used in boot and portmanteau manufacture.
Leatherette.—Papers used for box covering and for covers of cheap note-books. Common papers made to colour of the leather of which they are imitations, either as coloured body papers, or with coloured surface, and then embossed with leather grain.
Ledger Papers.—Strong, well-made writing papers, used for ledgers, therefore manufactured to withstand considerable handling. The best qualities are all-rag, tub-sized, air-dried, plate-glazed, quite opaque, with equal surface both sides. Usual sizes and substances: demy 24 lb., medium 34 lb., royal 44 lb., imperial 72 Ib. per ream of 480 sheets.
Lined Brief.—Foolscap paper ruled with thirty-six lines across the width of the paper, and a vertical marginal line. Hand-made and high-class machine-made papers of this kind have the lines as watermark.
Linen-faced Papers receive their patterns in one of three ways: (1) by passing between embossed and engraved rollers, as described under embossed papers; (2) by interleaving with zinc plates upon which are glued sheets of linen and passing through the plate-rolling machine; (3) sheets of linen used between sheets of paper to be impressed, metal plates top and bottom, and pressure applied at the plate-rolling machine. Many common papers are so treated, and are at present the favourites among fancy note-papers, silurian note L being quite eclipsed. High-class writings and cover papers are also linen-faced.

Lithographic Papers.—Papers for lithographers' general use, with good super-calendered surface, frequently soft-sized, the manufacture so arranged as to reduce the amount of stretch to a minimum. The best qualities