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are made of rag, the next quality of esparto. With the advent of the off-set litho. press, all papers have become possible as lithographic papers, but the description applies only as above.

Loan Papers.—Superior cream wove papers, made of the strongest materials, tub-sized and finished with a good writing surface. The materials and treatment are similar to those employed for bank papers, but the substances are heavier. Usual sizes, medium, double foolscap, royal, imperial, equivalent weights 20 to 40 Ib. medium, 480 sheets.
London Boards.—Originally boards formed by pasting sheets of best hand-made drawing paper. Thick pasteboards are sometimes supplied as London boards.
Long Elephants do not concern the ordinary printer. They are used by paper stainers, that is, wall paper printers. They form the ground papers for wall papers, are frequently of the same materials as printing papers, but put up in rolls of 22½ inches in width, with a length of 12 yards.
Magazine Paper.—Soft printing paper with a good supercalendered surface in order to give equal printing surfaces for half-tone illustrations each side of the sheet. Imitation art papers also are used for illustrated magazines.
Manifold (Typewriting) Banks.—The thinnest substances of typewriting papers are so described in lighter weights than ordinarily used as banks. The descriptions under Banks and Typewriting Papers are applicable to Manifold Banks.
Manifold Papers.—Papers used for taking copies at the time of making the original by writing or typewriting by means of carbon papers. In order to obtain a better impression of the original, the manifold paper, which is a tissue, is impregnated with oil. To enable the paper to take ruling and printing the paper is allowed to mature for some time to allow the oil to become distributed evenly throughout the paper.

Manilla Papers.—Strong, tough, flexible papers made from manilla hemp. Manilla does not bleach easily, the so-called white manilla papers being always low in