Page:Paradisi in sole paradisus terrestris (1904 reprint).djvu/70

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The Garden of pleaſant Flowers.

  Duke, that is, a faire deepe red, or leſſe red, with a pale yellow or butter coloured edge, ſome larger others ſmaller: and ſome more pleaſing then others, in a very variable manner.
7 Flambans, ex rubore & flauedine radiata, vel ſtriata fundo luteo. 7 A Flambant, differing from the Dutcheſſe; for this hath no ſuch great yellow edge, but ſtreaks of yellow through the leafe vnto the very edge.
8 Mali Aurantij coloris, ex rubore, & flauedinè integre, non ſeparatim mixta, oris luteis paruis, vel abſque oris. 8 An Orenge colour, that is, a reddiſh yellow, or a red and yellow equally mixed, with ſmall yellow edges, and ſometimes without.
9 Minij, ſiue Cinabaris coloris, i.e. ex purpurea, rubedine, & flauedine radiata, unguibus luteis, & aliquando oris. 9 A Vermillion, that is, a purpliſh red, ſtreamed with yellow, the bottome yellow, and ſometimes the edges.
10 Rex Tuliparum, i.e. ex ſanguineo & aureo radiatim mixta, à flammea diuerſa, fundo luteo, orbe rubro 10 The Kings flower, that is, a crimſon or bloud red, ſtreamed with a gold yellow, differing from the Flambant, the bottome yellow, circled with red.
11 Tunica Morionis, i.e. ex rubore & aureo ſeparatim diuerſa. 11 A Fooles coate, parted with red and yellow guardes.

Tulipa præcox lutea The early yellow Tulipa.
1 Lutea ſiue flaua. 1 A faire gold yellow without mixture.
2 Pallida lutea ſiue ſtraminea. 2 A ſtrawe colour.
3 Aurea, oris rubicundis 3 A faire yellow with reddiſh edges.
4 Straminea, oris rubris. A ſtrawe colour, with red edges.
5 Aurea, rubore perfuſa extra 5 A faire yellow, reddiſh on the out ſide onely.
6 Aurea, vel magis pallida, rubore in gyrum acta ſimillima Duciſſæ, niſi minus rubedinis habet. 6 A gold or paler yellow, circled on the inſide a little with red, very like the Dutcheſſe, but that it hath leſſe red therein.
7 Aurea, extremitatibus rubris, dici poteſt, Morionis Pilæus præcox. 7 A gold yellow with red toppes, and may be called, The early Fooles Cap.
