Page:Paradisi in sole paradisus terrestris (1904 reprint).djvu/71

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The Garden of pleaſant Flowers.

Tulipa de Caffa. The Tulipa of Caffa.

There is another ſort or kinde of early Tulipa, differing from the former, whoſe pale greene leaues being as broad and large as they, and ſometimes crumpled or waued at the edges, in ſome haue the edges onely of the ſaid leaues for a good breadth, of a whitiſh or whitiſh yellow colour, and in others, the leaues are liſted or parted with whitiſh yellow and greene: the ſtalke riſeth not vp ſo high as the former, and beareth a flower at the toppe like vnto the former, in ſome of a reddiſh yellow colour, with a ruſſet coloured ground or bottome, and in others, of other ſeuerall colours: the ſeede and roote is ſo like vnto others of this kinde, that they cannot be diſtinguiſhed.

There is (as I doe heare) of this kinde, both Præcoces, and Serotinæ, early flowring, and late flowring, whereof although wee haue not ſo exact knowledge, as of the reſt, yet I thought good to ſpeake ſo much, as I could hitherto vnderſtand of them, and giue others leaue (if I doe not) hereafter to amplifie it.

Tulipa Bolonienſis, ſiue Bombycina flore rubro major.

The greater red Bolonia Tulipa.

There are likewiſe other kindes of early Tulipas to bee ſpoken of, and firſt of the red Bolonia Tulipa; the roote whereof is plainly diſcerned, to be differing from all others: for that it is longer, and not hauing ſo plaine an eminence at the bottome thereof, as the former and later Tulipas, but more eſpecially becauſe the toppe is plentifully ſtored with a yellowiſh ſilke-like woollineſſe: the outſide likewiſe or skinne is of a brighter or paler red, not ſo eaſie to be pilled away, and runneth vnder ground both downeright and ſidewiſe (eſpecially in the countrey ground and ayre, where it will encreaſe aboundantly, but not either in our London ayre, or forc't grounds) ſomewhat like vnto the yellow Bolonia Tulipa next following. It ſhooteth out of the ground with broad and long leaues, like the former; but neither ſo broad, nor of ſo white or mealy a greene colour as the former, but more darke then the late flowring Tulipa, ſo that this may bee eaſily diſcerned by his leafe from any other Tulipa aboue the ground, by one that is skilfull. It beareth likewiſe three or foure leaues vpon the ſtalke, like the former, and a flower alſo at the toppe of the ſame faſhion, but that the leaues hereof are alwayes long, and ſomewhat narrow, hauing a large blacke bottome, made like vnto a cheuerne, the point whereof riſeth vp vnto the middle of the leafe, higher then any other Tulipa; the flower is of a pale red colour, nothing ſo liuely as in the early or late red Tulipas, yet ſweeter for the moſt part then any of them, and neereſt vnto the yellow Bolonia Tulipa, which is much about the ſame ſent.

Tulipa pumilio rubra, ſiue Bergomenſis rubra media & minor.

The dwarfe red Bergomo Tulipa, a bigger and a leſſer.

There are two other ſorts hereof, and becauſe they were found about Bergomo, do carry that name, the one bigger or leſſer then another, yet neither ſo great as the former, hauing very little other difference to bee obſerued in them, then that they are ſmaller in all parts of them.

Tulipa Bolonienſis flore luteo. The yellow Bolonia Tulipa.

The roote of this Tulipa may likewiſe bee knowne from the former red (or any other Tulipa) in that it ſeldome commeth to bee ſo bigge, and is not ſo woolly at the toppe, and the skinne or outſide is ſomewhat paler, harder, and ſharper pointed: but the bottome is like the former red, and not ſo eminent as the early or late Tulipas. This beareth much longer and narrower leaues then any (except the Perſian & dwarfe yellow Tulipas) and of a whitiſh greene colour: it beareth ſometimes but one flower on a ſtalke, and ſometimes two or three wholly yellow, but ſmaller, & more open then the other kinds, and (as I ſaid) ſmelleth ſweete, the head for ſeede is ſmaller then in others, and hath not that crowne at the head thereof, yet the ſeed is like, but ſmaller.
