Page:Paradisi in sole paradisus terrestris (1904 reprint).djvu/72

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The Garden of pleaſant Flowers.

Tulipa Narbonenſis, ſiue Monſpelienſis vel pumilio.

The French or dwarfe yellow Tulipa.

This Tulipa is very like vnto the yellow Bolonia Tulipa, both in roote, leafe, and flower, as alſo in the colour thereof, being yellow: the onely difference is, that it is in all things leſſer and lower, and is not ſo apt to beare, nor ſo plentifull to encreaſe by the roote.

Tulipa Italica maior & minor. The Italian Tulipa the greater and the leſſer.

Both theſe kindes of Tulipas doe ſo neere reſemble the laſt kinde, that I might almoſt ſay they were the ſame, but that ſome difference which I ſaw in them, maketh mee ſet them apart; and conſiſteth in theſe things, the ſtalkes of neither of both theſe riſe ſo high, as of the firſt yellow Bolonia Tulipa: the leaues of both ſorts are writhed in and out at the edges, or made like a waue of the ſea, lying neerer the ground, and the flower being yellow within, is browniſh or reddiſh on the backe, in the middle of the three outer leaues the edges appearing yellow. Both theſe kindes doe differ one from the other in nothing, but in that one is bigger, and the other ſmaller then the other which I ſaw with Iohn Tradeſcante, my very good friend often remembred.

Tulipa Luſitanica, ſiue pumilio verſicolor. The dwarfe ſtript Tulipa.

This dwarfe Tulipa is alſo of the ſame kindred with the three laſt deſcribed; for there is no other difference in this from them, then that the flower hath ſome red veins running in the leaues thereof.

There are two other ſorts of dwarfe Tulipas with white flowers, whereof Lobel hath made mention in the Appendix to his Aduerſaria; the one whereof is the ſame that Cluſius ſetteth forth, vnder the title of Pumilio alter a: but becauſe I haue not ſeen either of them both, I ſpeake no further of them.

Tulipa pumilio alba. The white dwarfe Tulipa.

But that white flower that Iohn Tradeſcante ſhewed me, and as hee ſaith, was deliuered him for a white Pumilio, had a ſtalke longer then they ſet out theirs to haue, and the flower alſo larger, but yet had narrower leaues then other ſorts of white Tulipas haue.

Tulipa Bicolor. The ſmall party coloured Tulipa.

Vnto theſe kindes, I may well adde this kinde of Tulipa alſo, which was ſent out of Italy, whoſe leaues are ſmall, long, and narrow, and of a darke greene colour, ſomewhat like vnto the leaues of an Hyacinth: the flower is ſmall alſo, conſiſting of ſixe leaues, as all other Tulipas doe, three whereof are wholly of a red colour, and the other three wholly of a yellow.

Tulipa Perſica. The Perſian Tulipa.

This rare Tulipa, wherewith we haue beene but lately acquainted, doth moſt fitly deſerue to be deſcribed in this place, becauſe it doth ſo neerely participate with the Bolonia and Italian Tulipas, in roote, leafe, and flower: the roote hereof is ſmall, couered with a thicke hard blackiſh ſhell or skinne, with a yellowiſh woollineſſe both at the toppe, and vnder the ſhell. It riſeth out of the ground at the firſt, with one very long and ſmall round leafe, which when it is three or foure inches high, doth open it ſelfe, and ſhew forth another ſmall leafe (as long almoſt as the former) breaking out of the one ſide thereat, and after it a third, and ſometimes a fourth, and a fift; but each ſhorter then other, which afterwards be of the breadth of the dwarfe yellow Tulipa, or ſomewhat broader, but much longer then any other, and abiding more hollow, and of the colour of the early Tulipas on the inſide: the ſtalke riſeth vp a foot and a halfe
