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(Gen. Pass. Agents make a dumb appeal to Phyllis.)


I 'm very much pain'd to refuse;
My guardian you can't lay the fault on.
The only young man I would choose
Must be from the Chicago & Alton.
That road so eclipses the rest,
Its men are so handsome and hearty,
That I know where to turn for the best,
When I want a particular party.

(Enter Strephon, the brakeman; Phyllis rushes to him.)

It must not, cannot be,
Your suits my heart has riven;
Yon jolly brakeman see,
To him my heart is given.

ALL THE G. P. A.'S—Jerusalem!

And who has dared to brave our high displeasure,
And thus defy our definite command?
'Tis I, young Strephon; mine, this rosy treasure;
Against all lines I claim my darling's hand.

(Exit all the G. P. A.'s in disgust, and with as much dignity as if they belonged to the Alton Road. Strephon and Counselor remain.)

COUNSELOR—Now, sir, how dare you fall in love with my ward?

STREPHON—Love knows no guardianship. We follow our inclinations. As I whirl along the Alton Road, all nature speaks of her love, and says "Take her." I read it on the face of the Sphinx Rock. William's Canon thunders it forth, the Snowy Range melts in sympathy with our love, the Twin Lakes are one in wishing us joy, the Bowlder Falls leap with joy at our prospective union, and from Alton to Santa Fé every bird and bush and tree choruses our bliss; and can you say nay?