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Thus taken as we are, all stand were useless;
Therefore if you will still, 'tis the last time,
Obey your king, retire and save your lives
For some more useful end. Finding me here,
They will no farther search: retire, my friends.

Sec. Coun. What, leave our king to face his foes alone!

King. No, not alone; my friend the Seneschal
Will stay with me. We have been young together,
And the same storms in our rough day of life
Have beat upon us: now, be it God's will,
We will lay down our aged heads together
In the still rest, and bid good night to strife.
Have I said well, my friend?
(holding out his hand to the Seneschal.)

Sen. (kissing his hand with great warmth, and putting one knee to the ground.)
O my lov'd master! many a bounteous favour
Has shower'd upon me from your royal hand,
But ne'er before was I so proudly honour'd.
(rising up with assumed grace.)
Retire, young men, for now I must be proud;
Retire, your master will confront the foes
As may become a king.

(All calling out at once.) No, no! we will not leave him.

(they all range themselves, drawing their swords, round the King, and the old Seneschal stands, by pre-eminence, close to his master's side.)