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Sec. Coun. Here is a wall thro' which they first must force
A bloody way, ere on his royal head
One silver hair be scath'd.

Enter Ethwald, Alwy, and the Conspirators.

Alwy. Now vengeance for injustice and oppression!

Sec. Conn. On your own heads, then, be it, miscreant chiefs!

(they fight round the King: his party defend him bravely, till many more Conspirators enter, and it is overpowered)

Ethw. (aside, angrily, to Alwy, on still seeing the King standing in the midst, unhurt, and with great dignity, the Seneschal by his side, and no one offering to attack him.

Hast thou forgot? Where are thy chosen men?

Is there no hand to do the needful work?
This is but children's play. (to some of his party.)
Come, let us search, that in the neighb'ring chamber,
No lurking foe escape. (Exit with some Followers.

Alwy. (giving a sign to his Followers, and going up insolently to the King.)
Oswal, resign thy sword.

Sen. First take thou mine, thou base ignoble traitor.

(Giving Alwy a blow with his sword, upon which Alwy and his Followers fall upon the King and the Seneschal, and surrounding them on every side, kill them, with many wounds, the crowd gathering so close round them, that their fall cannot be seen.)