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Keep. Indeed I wonder that he came not with me
As he is wont.

Ed. Bring him, I pray thee, when thou com'st again.
He wags his tail and looks up to my face
With the assured kindliness of one
Who has not injur'd me. How goes your sport?

Keep. Nobly, my Lord; and much it pleases me
To see your mind again so sooth'd and calm.

Ed. I thank thee: know'st thou not that man is form'd
For varied states; to top the throne of power,
Or in a toad's hole squat, shut from the light?
He can bear all things; yet, if thou hast grace,
Lead me for once into the open air
To see the woods, and fields, and country round
In the fair light of heaven.

Keep. I must not do it; I am sworn to this;
But all indulgence, suited to this state
Of close confinement, gladly will I grant.

Ed. A faithful servant to a wicked lord,
Whoe'er he be, art thou. Is Oswal dead?
Or does some powerful Thane his power usurp?
(a pause.)
Thou wilt not answer me. (a horn heard without.)

Keep. Ha! who is at the gate that sounds so boldly?
I'll mount this tower and see. (Exit hastily, and Edward takes his seat again as before.)