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Keep. (without calling down from the Tower.)
It is a company of armed men,
Bearing a royal ensign.

Ed. (starting from his seat.) Then let me rise and brace my spirits up!
They bring me death or freedom!

Re-enter Keeper from the Tower.

(eagerly to him.) What think'st thou of it?

Keep. I'll to the gate and meet them instantly,
(Exit, crossing over the stage hastily.)

Ed. (alone.) An it be death they'll do it speedily,
And there's the end of all. Ah liberty!
An it be thou, enlarger of man's self!—
My heart doth strangely beat as tho' it were.
I hear their steps already: they come quickly:
Ah! how step they who joyful tidings bear!

Keep. (calling without to Edw. before they enter.)
My Lord, my Lord! you're a free man again!

Ed. Am I? great God of heaven how good thou art!

Enter Two Thanes conducted by the Keeper.

Ed. (accosting them.) Brave men, ye come upon a blessed errand,
And let me bless you.

First Th. With joy unto ourselves we bring, my Lord,
Your full enlargement from the highest power
That Mercia now obeys.

Ed. Not from king Oswal?