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Rose the white curling mist, and softly stole
Up the dark wooded banks. And yet, methinks,
The deeper shades of ev'ning come not after,
As they are wont, but day is lengthen'd out
Most strangely.

Thane. See'st thou those paly streams of shiv'ring light
So widely spread along the northern sky?
They to the twilight grey that brightness lend
At which thou wonderest. Look up, I pray thee!

Her. (turning and looking up.)
What may it mean? it is a beauteous light.

Thane. In truth I know not. Many a time have I
On hill and heath beheld the changeful face
Of awful night; I've seen the moving stars
Shoot rapidly athwart the sombre sky,
Red fiery meteors in the welkin blaze,
And sheeted lightnings gleam, but ne'er before
Saw I a sight like this. It is belike
Some sign portentous of our coming fate:
Had we not better pause and con a while
This daring scene, ere yet it be too late?

Her. No, by this brave man's sword! not for an hour
Will I the glorious vengeful deed delay,
Tho' heaven's high dome were flaming o'er my head
And earth beneath me shook. If it be aught
Portentous, it must come from higher powers;
For demons ride but on the lower clouds,