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Or raise their whirlwinds in the nether air.
Every good spirit still must favour those
Who war on virtue's side: therefore, I say,
Let us march boldly to the glorious work:
It is a sign foretelling Ethwald's fall.
Now for our valiant friends, they must be near.
Ho! holla, ho!

(Enter by different paths in the wood, the other Chiefs, disguised, and gather round Hereulf, he receiving them joyfully.)

Welcome! all welcome! you good Thane and you,

And ev'ry valiant soul, together leagued
In this bold enterprise. Well are we met.
So far we prosper; and my glowing heart
Tells me our daring shall be nobly crown'd.
Now move we cheerly on our way: behold
Those frowning towers, where, ere the morning watch,
That shall be done, for which, e'en in our graves,
Full many a gen'rous Mercian, yet unborn,
Shall bless our honour'd names.

Chiefs. (speaking altogether.) We follow you, brave Hereulf.

First Chief. Ay, with true heart, or good or ill betide,
We'll follow you.

Her. Come on, brave men! ere this our trusty friend,
With fifty chosen men, at the north gate
Attends our signal. Come ye gen'rous few;
Ye who have groan'd in the foul dungeon's gloom,