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Then he did question her of such
His stuff bestowed so
Forsooth (quoth she) because I did
Your love and lodging know.
Your love to be a proper wench
Your lodging nothing less;
I held it for your health the house,
More decently to dress.

Well wot I notwithstanding her,
Your Lordship loveth me;
And greater hope to hold you such
By quiet than brawls you see.
Then for my duty your delight.
And to retain your favour,
All done I did and patiently,
Expect your wonted ’haviour.

Her patience wit and answer brought
His gentle tear, to fall:
When kissing her a score of times
Amend sweet wife I shall.
He said; and did it so each wife,
Her husband may recall.


Printed by J. Chalmers & Co. Aberdeen.