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Interrogation of Frl. Paula HITLER.

me again. We went to our parents' grave near LINZ. He wanted to go there. Then we separated, he going to MUNICH, and I to LINZ. I visited him in MUNICH in 1923. This was before 9 Nov. He still looked the same to me. His political activities had not changed him. The next time I saw him was in the Dirsch Strasse in MUNICH. The only person that I met among his political friends was SCHWARZ, treasurer of the party. The next time I saw him was on the NUREMBERG Party Day. I received my tickets like any other person.

(At this point the interrogator said: 'We found some of your brother's letters to you. They are very short. A lady who worked with him once said that he had absolutely no family sense.') There is something to that. I think he inherited that from our father. He did not care for our relatives either. Only the relatives on our mother's side were close to us. The SCHMIEDs and the KOPPENSTEINs are our dear relatives, especially a cousin SCHMIED who married a KOPPENSTEIN. I know no one of my father's family. My sister ANGELA and I often said: 'Father must have had some relatives, but we don't even know them.' I myself have a family sense. I like my relatives from the WALDVIERTEL, the SCHMIEDs and the KOPPENSTEINs. I usually wrote my brother a birthday letter, and then he wrote a short note, and sent a package. This would contain Spanish ham, flour, sugar, or something like that that had been given to him for his birthday.

I did not see my half-sister Mrs. Angela HAMITZCH very often. She lived in DRESDEN. She had her husband and children and was happily married. I spent the last few days before the arrival of the Americans with her, as she was also in the Berchtesgadener Hof.

During the party day in NUREMBERG my brother received me in his hotel, the Deutscher Hof. He wrote me very rarely, as he was 'writing lazy.' He wrote only a few words, and only once a year.

From 1929 on I saw him once a year until 1941. We met once in MUNICH, once in BERLIN, and once in VIENNA. I met him in VIENNA after 1938. His rapid rise in the world worried me. I must honestly confess that I would have preferred it if he had followed his original ambition and become an architect. (The interrogator interrupted to say that this was the most classical statement that she would ever say.) It would have saved the world a lot of worries.

My brother did not live on a special diet in his youth. Our mother would never have permitted that. He never cared much about meat. I suppose that he later became a vegetarian because of a stomach ailment.

The first time that my brother suggested my changing my name was at the Olympic games in GARMISCH. He wanted me to live under the name of 'WOLFF', and maintain the strictest incognito. That was sufficient for me. From then on I kept this name. I added the 'Mrs.' as I thought that less conspicuous. I was ordered to remain incognito also when I was moved from my home in AUSTRIA to the Berchtesgadener Hof.


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