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Interrogation of Frl. Paula HITLER.

I lost my job in a Viennese insurance company in 1930 when it became known who my brother was. From that time until the Anschluss he gave me a monthly pension of 250 schillings. After the Anschluss he gave me 500 marks a month.

In 1940 I went to BERLIN to see my brother. I was never under the observation of the Sicherheitsdienst. I could always move about freely. The criminal police once came to check on all the guests when I lived in a hotel in MUNICH during MUSSOLINI's visit. Even they did not know who 'Frau WOLFF' was.

I am a Catholic, and the church is my biggest outside interest. My brother was also Catholic, and I don't believe that he ever left the church. I don't know for sure.

For the last few years I was employed as a typist in a hospital. My brother knew about it. He fully agreed that I should employ myself. I had to give it up later on as it was too much for my health.

My coming to BERCHTESGADEN was very strange. I was in my house in Lower AUSTRIA between VIENNA and LINZ. I wanted to remain at home. It is very important that someone keep the vegetable garden in order, and see that everything thrives. One morning in the middle of April of this year a passenger car stood before the door. A driver entered the house and told me that he had the task of bringing me to the OBERSALZBERG. We were supposed to leave in 2 hours. I was amazed, since I had made no preparations. I said that under no circumstances could I leave in 2 hours. Then we agreed to drive away the next morning. I don't know who the driver was. I think the car was a Mercedes. There was also a second driver in the car. (The interrogator, who believes that the trip was arranged by Martin BORMANN and that Miss HITLER was in grave danger of being killed, then asked: 'That was done by Martin BORMANN?') I don't know about that. I knew BORMANN only slightly. When we were halfway to BERCHTESGADEN the one driver said to me that they hadn't reckoned on my coming along. I said: 'Why didn't you tell me that before? Then I wouldn't have come along.' The driver was not armed, and I've forgotten how he looked.

I saw Eva Braun only once. That was in 1934 in NUREMBERG! My brother never discussed the subject with me. I have never visited my brother's place in OBERSALZBERG, either with him or now that the Americans are here. I was never invited.

When I arrived at the Dietrich Eckart Hutte, where Färbe of the Berchtesgadener Hof put me, no one knew who I was. I took my meals in my room, and didn't talk to the people. I knew no one there. At present we are learning English. I still have to go over my vocabulary for today. I studied English at school, but have unfortunately forgotten most of it.

The personal fate of my brother affected me very much. He was still my brother, no matter what happened. His end brought unspeakable sorrow to me, as his sister. (At this point Miss HITLER burst into tears, and the interrogation was ended.)

Reviewed: Conclusion of statement.

/s/ George Allen
Attached CIC

Reviewed: Francis E. Martini
Reviewed: Special Agent, CIC
Reviewed: Commanding.