Page:Pekinese Rhymes (G. Vitale, 1896).djvu/100

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耦 蓮梨蓮 花兒枝 一 花 枝 白 佛串月 雪佛串 一 個 着兒十 個着兒 『1 吃 念花的 吃念花 一 愛 兒莉掌 愛兒莉 太 香茉巴 太香茉 太 着莉花 太着莉 老 燒茉打 老燒茉


This song, like the last one is also sung by boys when playing at 打花巴 掌 ta"' hua' pa' chang:). IE 月正 Cheng' yiiei cheng", the first moon. 蓮 花 燈 lien- hua' teng', Lantern made of paper and shaped like a lotus flower. 逛 燈 kuang; teng', means to go out on the streets to look at the different shows of lanterns exhibited during five days, from the thir- teenth to the seventeenth in the first month in the year. The regular day for the show is the 1 5'^ on which falls the 燈 葡 teng' chie- feast of lanterns. 念着佛 nien cho Fao-, uttering prayers before Buddha. 串枝蓮 ch' 腿 cliih' lien?, a wild flower not unlike the lotus. This refrain is repeated at every couplet. We translate it only once. 白 糖 棍 IJJ pai- fang- k!m *r, small sugar sticks bought by children. 關東姻 kuan' tung' yea', tobacco from Manchuria, the best quality of tobacco. 摘 刺 chai' tz'u^, to take away the bones from a fish. 生白著 shcng' pai- shii:!, uncooked sweet potato. 徵 甲, tun ya', a stewed cluck. 花 f 禹' pai- hua' ou:;, a flour made from the