Page:Pekinese Rhymes (G. Vitale, 1896).djvu/104

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— 78 — on the shoulder a pole with baskets calls loudly for people who are willing to sell silver head-ornaments, or other small objects of value. This proceeding is called P 易 雜銀錢 ho' tsa? yin^ ch'ien ?, to call for diffe- rent (and bad quality) silver to buy them for ready money. 声 TRANSLATION With a pair of baskets 一 are provided all the small pedlars 一 with pole and baskets they go all over the city ― to sell onions ― to sell garlic ― to sell green vegetables ― the man who beats the drum ― and the other who cries : I buy objects of silver 一 ohe, (who has got ) head ornaments let him come and sell. LI 翻餅^ 餅 油 炸 餡 兒 餅 翻過 來贈瞧 NOTES Chinese boys playing together take each other by the hands and then turn round without separating- the hands. The movement of turning round is likened to the action of turning a pie on the pan,