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( 7 ) (illegible text) Ye blondy villain the reply', don't in the leaſt on me depend Begone, or aſ I live the cry'd I for nu officer will ſend, I'll give you neither meat nor drink, nor any ſhelter ſhall you have, Of muſty, lowly rags you flint, begone you bare perfidius v. Don't think that I'll your counſel keep, or harbour guy ſuch as you: He tur'd away ſeem d to weep and bid the wantin Jilt adicu Then to his loving Wife he came, both poor and naked in diſtreſs, He told her all the very ſame, yet ſhe relieved him na 'ee the left. My dear the cry'd face it is lo take comfort in thy loving Wife, All that I have ſhall freely go to gain a pardon for thy life. I'll lodge thee in a place ſecure. where I will daily nooith thee Believe me love, y u stay be ſure to find a fathul find in me When he this perfect proof bad mode. which of the two did love him belt, Usto bu virtuous Wife ho full my jewel ſet thy heart at reit. Behold I have no ſervent ſtain! nor have ſuffer'd any loft, Enough t have to maimait. the ocean learn more ili crolls My loaded flip lies no'er her, with gold and jewch richly fraught, So much I never had before, tly panny worth of weit Ive bought. Once more or to his slot gaes, with fourteen frios brave and bold,