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( 8) (illegible text) All eluah'd with new and coſtly clochat of kilkanderbroider du The Mils when die hii pimp behold, dit offer him a kind engra: Hat he with wrah and angar till d. did Araight upstaid her to her face But the with Im les che c wordi txpreit, I have a faithful love for thee, Whate el fod was buitinje, why d d ft thou go fa con from me, It was full time to go from thee, you have an other love is for Whou you have furnih d with my gold, and jewels which I bought ohore, is falfe fhe eryd I have them a'l, with that the Merchantragt reply, Lay thea buf sie metan I full, De foon comit.ced and Catalyd. Then up the ran and fetch'd thi-a down, the jewels gold and ru'ils brig'it. I!e leiz! thential and with a frown, he bid the wanton Jilt goud night, When he had lead ti gollea pu le and scept up every pre in fore. She cry'd wallye nb me thus? yes that I will of what's my own You are to betray my lic but thaakstu God there no fuch fear, Thele jwel thicorn my Wile, henceforth y huſe I linor come near. Hone he turned on. Kect Wife, and tyd bei all that he had done, cr fince they live nappy life, und he'll tu hatlots no more Thus lie thiwato Harunt , who long haid i det ction pouzlit, This wa PANNT WORTH OF Wit tu beil that cera Muresant tought. FINIS