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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011


these additional requirements, the material action and training support for Indo-China will have to come at the expense of the world-wide FY 1954 MDA program.
Action: Defense

(B) The present situation in Indo-China, however, indicates that in addition to the immediate actions outlined above, the following steps must be taken as a matter of priority:


1. As a result of events which have occurred during recent weeks, and particularly in the light of the forthcoming Geneva convention, certain actions which might have been susceptible of direct negotiation with the French Government now require more circumspect negotiation. None the less, it should remain the U.S. objective to obtain French active acceptance formally or informally of the following:
a. Modification of the mission of the U.S. MAAG, Indo-China, to provide for expanded strength, including a planning staff (composed initially of up to 10 highly selected officer personnel); authority to conduct liaison with senior training and planning staff sections; and authority to make recommendations concerning the conduct of operations. This relationship may be justified entirely within the framework of the present agreement with the French Government that "the French Government will continue to facilitate exchanges of information and views on a continuing basis between French and U.S. military authorities and will take into account the views expressed by the latter with respect to the development and carrying out of the French