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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011


strategic plans without in any way, of course, detracting from exclusive French responsibility for adoption and execution thereof." It should be presented that the U.S. has complete confidence that France can win the struggle against the Communists in Indo-China and that expanded U.S. representation at the French Headquarters is designed to provide the maximum and most effective assistance in aiding the French to achieve common free world objectives in Indo-China
b. Gradual assignment of additional U.S. personnel up to a level of 50 specially qualified personnel in Indo-China as such assignments become feasible. These individuals should have the mission of acting as instructors, principally with the Vietnamese forces and in non-combat areas as recommended by the Chief, MAAG, and concurred in by the local Commander.
c. Expanded utilization of U.S. covert assets, particularly in the unconventional warfare field and particularly in bilateral US-Associated States unconventional warfare operations.
Action: State, Defense, CIA
2. It should also be a U,S, objective to seek (both with the active French and other appropriate governments as well as with the necessary U.S. authorities) the methods of attaining the following:
a. Modification of present Foreign Legion enlistment requirements with reduced enlistment period for service in Indo-China and expansion of the Foreign Legion to include the formation of air units.