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Declassified per Executive Order 13526, Section 3.3
NND Project Number: NND 63316. By: NWD Date: 2011


b. Recruitment in certain foreign countries, especially Germany, Italy, and possibly Asia, of non-French personnel with appropriate technical qualifications for service in Indo-China with the Foreign Legion.
c. Provision of certain U.S. personnel, on a voluntary basis, for service in the French forces without sacrifice of their U.S. citizenship.
Action: Defense, State
3. In addition to tho urgent actions outlined above, the following additional actions are suggested as contributing to the advancement of U.S. interests with respect to Indo-China:
a. The U.S. should continue to stress and emphasize in every way our purpose in helping the peoples of Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos through the French is to maintain their independence, and should reiterate our position regarding that independence.
Action: Operations Coordinating Board
b. A vigorous U.S. effort might be made to restore Bao Dai's health and to persuade him and possibly the King of Cambodia to take a more active part in the struggle against the Viet Minh. This effort should include action designed to encourage Bao Dai to withdraw from his semi-isolation to visit his troops, to reside in his capital and otherwise to comport himself like a dynamic Chief of State. This effort might be correlated with measures designed to have some U.S. military assistance delivered